Thursday, November 30, 2006

So. A buddy from TJNR found this little gem.
It's called Fifty Mistakes Men Make When Having Sex.

Ive never met the author, but I don't like him.
If he wants to speak for all women and assume we all want some nerdy little pussy whipped sissy, that's fine.

I'd like to take this opportuity to post my rebuttal, for those of you that don't read the forums I frequent.

The Politics of Fucking

50 Mistakes Women Make When Having Sex.

1. Assuming he can get a raging hard on when it suits you. Contrary to popular belief, men can't just flip a switch and get it up because you decided to stop being a frigid bitch. Getting it hard is your job. I suggest you figure it out.

2. Thinking that kissing needs to be this sweet romantic thing all the time. Sometimes pressing your lips against your partners mouth while you get off is the hot. It depends on the situation.

3. Leaving him responsible for your orgasm. You know what gets you off. Tell him. If you don't, it's your own fault when he's snoozing and you're all wound up.

4. Expecting him to cuddle. Men and women are wired differently. Sex makes most women want to talk and bond and all that shit. It makes men pass out. It's a biological thing. Stop fighting it, and stop holding it over his head, it's not his fault.

5. Expecting him to fall asleep with you in his arms. That shit is uncomfortable after awhile. A little snuggling isn't unreasonable, but when it's time to actually sleep? An arm draped over you should suffice.

6. Expecting him to always lay on the charm and romance. Sometimes, that's nice. Sometimes. But expecting him to be all roses and candles all the time is like expecting you to act like a pornstar all the time. If you're not willing to do that, don't expect him to switch for you.

7. Being selfish in bed. Regardless of the shit that Cosmo forces down our throats, sex is NOT just about us. Get over it.

8. Using Cosmo as a sex bible. I dont know who comes up with half that shit, but I'm pretty sure they need counseling.

9. Whining when he pushes your head down on his cock instead of stroking your hair. Know why he's pushing, skippy? Because you aren't doing it right, and have apparently ignored the other clues he's given you. Pay attention to the signals that he's sending you.

10. Not moving at all. Missionary is not an excuse to do nothing.

11. Expecting him to undress himself with any amount of grace. He's about to get some pussy. Be glad he bothered to take his pants all the way off. If it concerns you so much, undress him yourself.

12. Not shaving your legs. Im pretty bad at this myself. But if you want your guy stubble free, you better get out the razor.

13. Allowing your crotch to resemble the amazon. Yes, waxing hurts. Yes, some people don't want to go bare. Thats fine. If you like bush, great. If you have sensitive skin and can't shave, I feel for you. But for the love of Christ, trim that shit if you want him to spend any time down there.

14. Assuming that sex means a relationship. The only relationship you have is that he has now stuck his hoo hoo dilly in your cha cha. That's as far as it goes unless otherwise noted.

15. Withholding oral sex just because you're ragging. He didn't do it. Unless you want him to withhold oral sex because he's hormonal, I suggest you get some kneepads.

16. Expecting him to figure out what you like by what noise you make. Use your words. Have you ever actually heard what you sound like while you're having sex? If you heard yourself on tape, and someone asked you to explain what was causing you to make that noise, 67% of women would respond with answers like "I stubbed my toe" "I ran up the steps" or "I was putting up drywall".

17. Leaving condoms up to him. If you're sexually active and insist that he uses a condom, I suggest buying a box and keeping it by your bed. Not all men keep them on them, and it's just as much your responsibility as it is his. If you think that makes you a slut, you shouldn't be having sex anyway. Go back to Jr High.

18. Getting your undies in a bunch when he talks dirty. A little fantasy can be fun. If he treats you with respect all the time, you shouldn't be offended when he calls you his dirty little slut. When he calls you a whore and tells you to come, its his way of showing that he cares if you get off. Stop being a sissy.

19. Refusing to be spontaneous. I know this is shocking, but sometimes sex OUTSIDE of the bedroom is fun.

20. Dissing quickies because it's not some slow sensual ordeal. Sex is a dynamic thing. Theres an awesome raw energy when you only have 20 minutes but having to have someone so bad that you do it half clothed against the wall. Readjust your thinking.

21. Being too much of a pussy to tell him what is or isn't acceptable before you start bumping uglies. Be honest. If he asks if he can poke you in the butt, and you giggle and say no like it's an invitation, don't look surprised when he "accidentally" sticks his cock in your butt.

22. Expecting him to undress you. I put a bra on almost every day. I know for a fact that getting them off isn't always easy. Help a brother out.

23. Undressing in the dark. If youre shy, dim the lights, but give the man something to see. No ripping off the clothes and diving under the covers, either.

24. Refusing to get on top. Theres no reason men should have to do all the work.

25. Getting that bored look on your face. Men are more visual than women. Give him something to look at. Get on top and arch your back a little bit. Move. Do something to indicate that you 1) are not dead and 2) didn't suffer a minor stroke rendering you unable to move.

26. Expecting him to do all the touching when you're riding him. It's your body, you're used to it. Play with your tits, rub your clit, do something to make his job easier.

27. Being too afraid to guide your partner's hand when hes touching you. Don't like the way he's doing it? Gently take his hand and show him how you like it.

28. Getting into bed, getting naked, fooling around and then deciding that you just want to cuddle, then getting offended when he doesn't. Its your choice to stop, but don't look all fucking surprised when he's confused. You got him naked in your bed, what else did you think was going to happen?

29. Refusing to let him take control. So your a feminist. Big fucking deal. Letting him call the shots doesn't make you any less of one.

30. Refusing to take control. Its ok to crawl across a bed to him on all fours, push him down and crawl on top. It's not his responsibility to start things all the time.

31. Forgetting that he has a body that likes to be touched, too. Men have things like backs and shoulders and stomachs and other parts that are fun to kiss and touch. You miss a lot of good places by concentrating solely on his penis.

32. Ignoring his balls. Seriously, they are there. Kiss them, lick them, suck on them, make a relationship with them, just don't ignore them.

33. Leaving him to his own devices. Nothing is worse than a girl who gets you most of the way off and then bolts because she doesn't want to deal with the mess.

34. Launching into some speech about not being an object for sex when he tries to titty fuck you. Jesus Christ, just push them together and enjoy yourself. You get a great view.

35. Expecting him to handle you like a porcelain doll. I'd hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you're not going to break, sister. So doing it against the wall gives you a bruise on your shoulder. Look at it later and giggle at the memory.

36. Refusing to try things in the name of "making love". You're not making anything. You are naked. With another person. Making strange faces and weird noises. Stop romanticizing it.

37. Taking things way too seriously. Sex is funny. Actually it's hilarious. Somewhere along the line, someone is going to fall off of a bed, hit their head on a lighting fixture, accidentally kick a midget or trip over a goat. It's how you deal with it that really matters.

38. Throwing a bitch fit when he asks for a 3 some. Its the American dream. (I know my ex is reading this right now, so a quick interjection. One request for a 3 some is ok. Every 5 minutes, not so much. Know the difference).

39. Continuing a blow job knowing that you have god awful cotton mouth. Really. Grab a bottle of water.

40. Nails. Its one thing tracing them up and down your partners back. Its another when you snag the goods with a claw.

41. Bitching when you get jizz on you. You're having sex. That will happen. Thats the entire point of sex. Establish where he can and cant jizz and be done with it. Remember, it tightens the pores.

42. Not making any noises at all. Moan. Scream his name. Something so he knows he's the best you've had, even if he isn't.

43. Faking orgasms. Just. Don't. By faking (IF he believes you) he thinks he's doing everything right. And if he doesn't know its not working, he's not going to change it. Starting a vicious cycle of unfulfilling sex which will eventually be very damaging to his ego.

44. Not washing before sex. I know that sex is spontaneous, this is more of a general statement. If you haven't showered that day, and things smell a little...fishy...perhaps demanding oral sex is a little ridiculous of you.

45. Anything that involves inserting anything into his body that he has not specifically approved before hand. I don't care what Cosmo says, some things are simply not pleasant surprises.

46. Refusing to use oils/whipped cream/other messy but fun things because you have 541510630 count Egyptian cotton sheets that were made by hand by the only person alive capable of sewing that pattern. They'll wash.

47. Doing all of your before bed things before sex. Yes, sleeping with makeup on is bad. Now is not the time to remove it, you can do that later. And really fucking you with your hair in a ratty scrunchie with acne cream on your nose is not all its cracked up to be.

48. Cleaning up after sex. Wiping the splooge off is one thing. But changing the sheets immediately so you can get the other ones in the washer and then sanitizing everything your naked body might have possibly passed by is not the way to do it.

49. Making a big deal out of it if he loses his hard on. This is not an interrogation, or 20 questions. It happens, he's probably mortified and you are NOT helping. Refrain from using phrases like "it happens to every guy". Just move to other activities until it gets hard again, and if it doesn't, get off another way with him. He's still capable of getting you off. Mumbling "Forget it" and rolling over are not ok.

50. Asking questions right afterwards. The woman equivalent of "was it good for you?". Now is not a good time to ask "What this means". Right now, it means he probably needs to take a drink, a leak and a nap, perhaps not in that order.

That is all.

Ive gotten massive traffic to this page lately...check out the rest of the place while you're here!


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Anonymous said...

For better Sex, Please Ladies read it twice.

Thank you author,
You really let me appreciate my Wife, I Love you Tia Mot.

Anonymous said...

Wow... this is really... stupid. Just like cosmo is not the definitive word on how sex should be, neither should you be. Coming from a girl, this is completely masogynistic. You've gone from one extreme, accusing the girl of doing nothing, to telling them to do everything. Interesting... it saddens me that this is what my generation has come to.

Anonymous said...

Great post - and congratulations on reaching so many people (judging by the responses you've provoked)!

I would like to add, however, that being a feminist does not mean you don't enjoy sex, won't give BJs, aren't prepared to remove all your love thatch, won't do missionary AND cowgirl, or object to having a little cum on your skirt.

Ride 'em sisters!

Anonymous said...

THIS COMMENT NEEDS TO POSTED AGAIN! It said everything I wanted to say and very articulately I might add. Anywho HERE IT IS:

Anonymous says:

Yeah....Well....firstly, let me do the 'positive comment' thing. Most of the pointers are right, and you've obviously done your research on 'how to be desperate enough to revolve your life around pleasing a man in bed because it's the only thing you're good at.'
There's no reason to be that crass with everything, lovely girl. Just because you're trying to make a point, it doesn't mean you have to SWEAR all the time. It goes against any intellect that shows in your work. you're obviously a clever girl, so why use 'fucking' in every other sentence? It implies that your vernaclular is poor because it consists mainly of swear words, and that you're thicker than you actually are.

Also, don't contradict yourself by saying in one breath that you should scream his name and act like he's the best you've ever had - 'even if he isn't'- and then in the next breath tell us not to fake an orgasm.

And finally, although your 'tips' are very true, from the male point of view, you're probably the best thing since beer, and from the amateur porn girls point of view, you're probably the best thing since make up, but for the rest of us, for those of us who actually have brains, you are completely transparrent.
You're obviously one of these girls that tries too hard with men because you think that by knowing all these things, and making the right noises, and not being afraid of getting 'jizz' on you, as you so delicately put it, makes you good in bed.
it just makes you desperate.
And a ruse.
It just means that you spend waaaaay too much time trying to be the good little whore, which any man worth his salt will eventually pick up on, and realise that you're actually shit in bed because it's all just a show, and although this is good for short term fun, long term, it's no fun to be stuck with a blow up doll that just knows how to do what she's supposed to do but has no other qualities because she's so dull outside of the bedroom.
Sorry to burst your bubble love, but you're not the only one that knows to lick someones balls and arch your back when you're on top. And believe it or not, some of us actually have very good sex lives WITHOUT your advice, but here's a concept for you.....we ALSO have minds of our own to go with it, and don't revolve our world around trying to please men because we STINK of desperation.


Seriously, is this all you can write about?
Are you really lacking THAT much in imagination that you have to virtually kiss ( or suck in your case ) men's behinds ( Again - or cocks in your case) by writing this shit to get yourself more male fans?
Is your writers block really THAT bad?
Nevermind.....go and grab yourself a bottle of water to avoid your 'cotton mouth' from where you're sucking too many cocks, and I'm sure you can come up with SOMETHING eventually. Give yourself some thinking time while you're down there, you know?

You are SO far up your own ass.

Seriously, sort it out. get some class.

8/26/2007 9:47 AM

This poster is THE TRUTH.

Anonymous said...

lady, if your husband lives to cuddle with you ,ghes either gay or having an affair.

Anonymous said...

i love how all the men on here are all hurrah! bravo! yes finally!!

a) why the fuck did it take a woman to say this??..... if u seriously had this much of a problem with the people u slept with why the fuck didn't u say anything??!! or ur are sleeping with the wrong people and that can only be blamed on you.....

b)I read that whole post pretty much going "yeh... duh" and i find it hard to believe that some woman would read that, having absolutley no idea.... if they do..... they shouldn't be having sex in the first place.

c) and just because i know that something are cool and others aren't does not make me the greatest woman in the world.... it makes me smarter than u

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone who says people on here are taking this way to seriously... it's a rebuttal remember? A rebuttal to a joke... therefore making it a joke! Lighten up people, learn to laugh that yeah there are people out there who this stereotype.... laugh at the stereotype.... no one needs to start verbally killing each other on here

I think its funny, i don't think it's God's message to women or anything.... but it's funny. My opinion. If it's not yours, then so what? That just reiterates the whole 'people are individuals' thing....

Anyway, thanks for the laugh :) it made me smile on an otherwise shit 'sick' day.

Anonymous said...

Finally, it's written down. This should form part of the sex ed curriculum at every school on the planet.

Anonymous said...

im a girl. annnd this is by far the best thing ive read all day..i put it on myspace to try and get it out the first 20 minutes of posting it i got 6 emails from girls alone that said it was amazing and they reposted it..just to let you should email it to like...nbc or something...get it out there :)

Anonymous said...

I read the "50 things men do wrong" blah blah blah article and then THIS one.. I agree with bits and pieces of both. I don't agree with everything though..
Being a shyer girl,I was a little embarrassed by the wording..(SO STRAIGHT FORWARD)
Of course I didn't think it was just about me...I do my best to keep my guy pleased<3 I take his direction whenever I can (but I 'm still too shy to give any direction myself..)
And okay guys, I don't expect you to cuddle me, but seriously; don't go checking who's online right after. I've even had to deal with "Well...time to go?" and I'm rushed out of his house. It doesn't really give a very good vibe.

Wow. People are really mean on here,eh?
Don't give her shit for writing it down.Some people really don't know some things and I personally like a little help if I don't know what's going on.

And to the person who commented on "cuddling husband", just leave it alone. Don't go judging some other guy because he's not like you.

Anonymous said...

That needs to be added to the bible somewhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

suggestion for number 44 use the flavored latex stuff lol

Anonymous said...

This. Is. Real. Life.

Anyone who says otherwise is idealistic and ignorant.

I have laughed with every one of these rules seeing as they are incredibly true, even in a monogamous relationship.

You are wonderfully real, ma'am.

Anonymous said...

I'm a guy, and I have to throw out a huge thank you for putting some sense into the world of sexual advise ... I don't agree with the threesome being ok, but everything else is perfect!

Anonymous said...

I love you. That is all.

Anonymous said...

Love it
Love it
Love it
just what i was looking for,
i agree with every single ting u sed nd i lovee it <3

Anonymous said...

amazing. i'm absolutely speechless.
great post.

Anonymous said...

you are the best person ever. i want to marry you. seriously i agree with every single detail you have. I LOVE YOU

Anonymous said...

Very well done. I understand that women's needs and desires are sometimes different than men's, but I am a bit fed up at women who don't seem willing to at least try to meet men halfway.

I really don't want to have to memorize and go through some checklist, as if I was about to pilot a jumbo jet, every time a get laid.

I find women a bore if they feel that a man has ruined the mood and spoiled everything because he took his pants off before his socks.

I'm tired of the guy being 100% responsible for both partners having some kind of mind-shattering orgasm, every time.

I had sex thousands of times, and certainly some times were more memorable than others, but I don't think I've ever had "a lousy lay" nor have I ever considered a woman to be "lousy in bed". Yet, I see women report men to be lousy lovers all the time. Even mediocre sex is relaxing, and good exercise.

Anonymous said...

Fuck yes. I'd say have my babies if I didn't already have a girlfriend (who thankfully has common sense and already knows most of this). It could all pretty much be summed up in "people are different, ask questions, and don't be so closed-minded."

Nicely done, ma'am.

CNSQ Online said...

Nice post thanks for sharing this one.

Anonymous said...

i think this needs a little bit of respect for women. i know its wrong to expect men to do everything or to know everything but its the same for women.

9. Whining when he pushes your head down on his cock instead of stroking your hair. Know why he's pushing, skippy? Because you aren't doing it right, and have apparently ignored the other clues he's given you. Pay attention to the signals that he's sending you.

^ its the same as when hes not doing you right, you tell him. if the woman isnt blowing him right then he should tell her.

Anonymous said...

right on! people need to lighten up and enjoy sex. that's what it's there for!


Anonymous said...

Oh my god. I love this. I am female and can completely agree with -most- of the things written here! my man and I have been through a lot of conversations about similar things, and This just puts them nicely together for my friends. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

great advice in there, the 50 mistakes I mean. As a guy I can't say I agree with every piece of it, but I do with at least 85% if not more.

without having read what the guy had written about the 50 mistakes a man makes in bed, I'm sorely tempted to write my own. Not as a rebuttal to yours, but one that is congruous and the flip side of the coin. I think I will, but I don't have a place to write it just now (aside from here, which isn't all that apropos). For the sake of objectivity I will intentionally stay away from that other dudes' post, and see later what we might have agreed on or not.

regardless, I am impressed with your 50. It's almost offensively blunt, which is one of the reasons it rocks my socks right the fuck off. A no holds barred chick, talking about the need to mow down the red, blond, black and or brown lawn? - that's just awesome. and telling girls to be aggressive, and visual, and use their bodies to entice in an almost semi-pornstar style that requires demanding some confidence of yourself? I mean, damn... I wish any (if not all) of the girls I've dated or slept with knew how to do that, or even knew that they could. I'm so fucking sick of timid passive chicks who are only passionate as a result of my initiation of fucking everything, as opposed to being passionate and assertive all on their own. My x would give me pretty clear messages when she wanted to have sex, but she didn't even try to be sexy about it, never implied that it was me that was causing her to be turned on, just that I was the instrument with which she could get off now that she was horny, seemingly independent of my presence. I love sex, but I also like to matter, and know that it's me she wants and that I'm not a masturbation tool with a pulse. I'm very good at having sex and pleasing a girl (so it seems to me), but I almost worry that it might be a curse as well as a blessing. I've got no problem being spontaneous or experimental or talking dirty to the filthy whore, but I do have a problem when what I can do is more important than who I am. We need more chicks like you to bitch slap other chicks (perhaps metaphorically, perhaps not) and wake them up to their role in sex, to the fact that it's 50 fucking 50, equal responsibility on all fronts.

Fuck timidity, fuck 100% passive, and fuck selfishness... girls, get off your asses and start gyrating them when it counts, start showing a guy what you want and that it's him turning you on, and be willing to go as far as he is... otherwise get the fuck away from me and go watch a meg ryan flick.

fork me, I'm done.

Anonymous said...

if only all the women in the world hav an attitude like you....

Anonymous said...

Impotence or Erectile Dysfunction refers to the inability to obtain an adequate erection for satisfactory sexual activity. It affects the lives of many middle-aged men and their partners to one degree or another. Although, it’s more common in males older than 65, one can experience impotence at any age. Failure to achieve an erection less than 20% of the time is not unusual but failure to achieve an erection more than 50% of the time indicates a problem that should be looked into.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kev said...

And ladies, SMSing your man when he's next to you is NOT going to get you extra attention.

Anonymous said...

Good job! Just as annoying as the other one. *clap clap clap*

xstephanyx said...

haha i love your post! it's wickedly awesome x)

krigsmakten said...

I think a lot of the people who have posted negative comments, simply don't enjoy sex - and are too uptight to admit it.

This is all good and simple advice from Clare - with some humor thrown in - so, don't over-complicate it, just enjoy.

Unknown said...

I wish my wife would read and if anything learn how to implement even one off the list! I caught her reading this blog the other day secretly and i had to find this on my own cause I was curious as to what she was reading. don't know who told her to read it but I hope she learns from this. clare you are truly ahead of your time. well done!

Unknown said...

for Ms.Anonymous who stated she's never known a woman who wouldn't refuse to give a blow job? you haven't met my wife! someone turned her on to tweekerchick's blog, (I don't know who cause she doesn't communicate with her man who shes been married to for 13 years (me), but I hope she takes it all in and thinks about everything listed, cause when it comes to 'sex' she's got A LOT to re-learn. like all of it. like how its about giving and receiving, not just receiving and then turning over and being done. what I have gotten out of this work of genius clare has so graciously enlightened so
many with, is that selfishness breeds resentfullness, and then no one's getting any! keep up the great work clare, you've put something out there that has touched an immeasureable amount of minds, hopefully my wifes too, cause she's inches away of finding herself single again,( and may not really believe it even though I've told her) and there are not many men that will stick with her once they see how selfish she is...yes 'honey'..talkin bout you..

Anonymous said...

You have no idea how awesome this post is XD Haha, made me laugh so much, but its also almost ALL TRUE :D Epic win! Well done! X

Anonymous said...

While I agree with some of your points, I have to disagree with you on others.

First of all, no man has any right to push down on a woman's head when she is going down on him. You know why? Because it's degrading and possessive. There is no respect there. Women do not have to go down on men; they choose to. Because of this men either need to stfu and let the woman do her job her way or bend over and do it themselves. They should be grateful they are getting head at all.

I also have to comment on #21. It's unacceptable to put anything in any man's orifice without his consent ahead of time, but it's perfectly fine to slip it in a woman's back door just because she said no lightly? That's STILL a no, I'm afraid.

Lastly, 'titty fucks' are fine if you're into that, but women have the right to bitch about it if they're not, because they really are demeaning. It's completely one sided and only caters to the man's pleasure, so unless she's getting something in return, it's not going to be much fun for her. It's also probably not advisable for any guy to tell their girlfriend to "push them together and enjoy the view" unless they want to be hit in the face or nuts.

Other than those three things though, I have to hand it to you that you present some valid arguments, though a little too vulgar and misogynist for my taste at times.

Anonymous said...

WOW. JUST WOW. You're.. WOW. <3

Anonymous said...

@#20: 20 minutes is a "quickie"?! Ghod, woman, what planet did you grow up on??!! I'm lucky to get 20 minutes of sex ONCE A MONTH with my current husband. With my prior husband and also with two prior live-ins, quickies (which I ALWAYS enjoyed) were 5 minutes or less.

Feast to famine, hunh?

Anonymous said...

Each and every person who visits this page should print it out and leave it somewhere... anywhere!

Anonymous said...

I've been searching for YEARS something that can justify us as men and our equal thoughts in bed. My search has stoped here! I'm printing out flyers, and start handing them out to theese 1960's minded women wich I thought they was extint, but I guess their still out in the wild! Lol!

Anyway, AWESOME FUCKING POST!!! Is not bias just split right down the middle! I love it!

By the way the 495578362 bed count sheet one, had me rolling for hours! My gf is guilty of that one!

Anonymous said...

This is fantastic. I've always been one to WANT to please my boyfriend in bed. That's what gets me turned on, so this article didn't really teach me anything, but I still found it amusing. I don't understand women who 1)don't want to have sex and 2)don't want to get dirty and crazy.

Anonymous said...

so i'm a couple years late... and i hope you don't really think like this, at least not now.... you need conseuling... if my man told me to do 99% of the things on this list I would leave him.

Anonymous said...

omg this is written by a woman? I think i'm in love....

Anonymous said...

sometimes guys are the ones who like/need to cuddle at night. I'm perfectly fine enjoying sleeping without being touch and prefer it that way.

Anonymous said...

Speaking as a man, one who possesses dignity, so rare to find in the bedroom nowadays - I can say only that is toxic repellent bullshit. Sex is sharing, and the receiving of pleasure should never take precedent over the giving of it. The strange anger you seem to have written this list of rubbish through bears little reflection to what sex should be. As a male, one just as receptive to pleasure as any other male, I don't find myself so impotent and weak I need to 'force' my girlfriend down on my cock, get 'rough' with her or even call her names like 'whore'. What kind of man does this make me? A pussy whipped sissy, I'm sure you'll say. But since you're deluded and frighteningly masochistic, so this suggests, I'll say myself that I'm merely somebody who respects the person I'm in a relationship with. I wouldn't force her to do anything, be rough with her or call her a whore outside the bedroom? Nor would I in the bedroom in the pathetic feeling that maybe being a twat will give me a bigger orgasm.

Jack said...

I think that blow jobs are the most important thing when it comes to keeping a guy. seriously! ive just read jacks blowjob lessons (here's a link: ) and i my husband fell in love with me like that again

Anonymous said...

This advice is ageless and spot on. Its also not for everyone. /cheer

Nils Ververs Lübke said...

Amazing. You rock all kinds of socks off.

Honesty is pretty much the best approach. We all want to have good sex, so if whoever you're with right now isn't pushing the right buttons, teach him/her how to. Think of it as the most awesome kind of public service.

Anonymous said...

I am laughing my face off at comments from di**heads who think that feminists are anti-sex. This IS a feminist post, you total ar**wipes. Feminism is about being free to enjoy sex. Among other freedoms. There are some damn stupid people posting here.

Anonymous said...

Honey I like so much your blog because you say only truths in here, you're the dream of whatever man because you know all things men want, actually I'd like to know you and say you dirty things and having sex with you as a wild beast, I think you and me would be the perfect couple.

Anonymous said...

Honey I like so much your blog because you say only truths in here, you're the dream of whatever man because you know all things men want, actually I'd like to know you and say you dirty things and having sex with you as a wild beast, I think you and me would be the perfect couple.

Anonymous said...

The first time I read this, I was in awe, and totally agree!! During the 2nd reading, I started to masterbate with a screw driver (the handle side), and oh boy, I agreed even more!

Best, Peace, Love,

fred said...

Torie said...

OMG AWESOME! That was hilarious and so true. I swear I want to be your best friend lol.

xanax online said...

Wow, nice post,there are many person searching about that now they will find enough resources by your post.Thank you for sharing to us.Please one more post about that..

Anonymous said...

I agree with most of what you wrote there except the condom thing. Girls take birth control (and have to everyday even if their not about to get laid) so guys should get the condoms.

TotallyEmpowered said...

I cannot believe that I have just now seen this blog. As a woman, I believe this should be passed along from mother to daughter during "the talk". This is a totally awesome article.

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Great website, looks very clean and organized. And very interesting to read Your the article!

Kerry said...

Wow!! I was pissed off then pleased! WTF?
Still pissed off....lolol

Anonymous said...

Excellent. Most excellent. *blows into a bubble pipe*

Anonymous said...

Although I don't disagree with the advice, I don't think it is necessary to objectify and demean women in the process unless you want to perpetuate the idea that the woman is just there to be used. The way the advice is delivered with its references to women as bitches and such shows a hostility toward women, and I suspect women who play into this lack self-respect. I am not a feminist but I'm not a tool either. It's possible to enjoy a woman sexually without debasing her as a person.

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Anonymous said...

This is one of the funniest things I have ever read.

I have been screaming for 15 minutes. They are going to call the police to come get me.

Thanks for the GREAT sense of humor!


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Anonymous said...

I do all of what you 'THINK' is best and it still feels as if im not good enough for him. He loves sex with me but i cant get him to do what i want like moaning with me. I work on whatever ive been asked to, to the full extent, and its like its not mutual. Should I give up or just accept that its not going to be fair? I love hearing him moan, it makes me feel like I can pleasure him, but when ya just lay there and dont do shit then i feel like an idiot for trying. I know im good, not to be concieded but i do what men like so why am I struggling to get one simple thing that I like?

Anonymous said...

17 years married to a ready made family w/3 kids; she's 7 years older. We're now successful, big house, trips, no worries, high paying career and a good business I helped her build. I work from home and we do everything together. Love is not an issue; we LOVE each other to death, very much. Always holding hands, kiss, hug, and cuddle. I'm fit and attractive, our friends say we are the perfect adorable couple and they are jealous.

I am a very hands on lover and even enjoy spending hours pleasing her with massaging, caressing, touching, feeling, licking, eating, you name it, front to back head to toe. I make her crawl up the head board gasping for air. She loves it.

And then she tells me she needs me in her and I do. Slow and teasing, tip to the base side to side and all around, all the while touching and praising. I've even wept a couple times and love a deep kiss when coming, hopefully together. And then afterwards more cuddling and touching, massage and caressing.

No where in anything I just described is my wife DOING anything to or for me except ALLOWING me to do to for her. She would comment that this article is for sluts who have no self respect, I'm sure. Sure she does something right? Oh yeah, pecks and hugs and the usual married couple act during the day. Cuddling at night with a peck or two. She certainly professes her love for me a lot.

But she hasn't touched me down there or anywhere else beside a hand or arm for, I don't remember how long actually. It's bad enough we only have sex ~10 times a year. I wouldn't mind that even, if when it happened, it was satisfying to me too. But she is a frigged dead fish. She actually just lays there on her back waiting for me to serve her, allows me to do so, then LETS me put my wang in her thang. Game over, good luck next month. I don't even orgasm anymore.

I'm so tired of being unappreciated, unloved, unwanted, and demotivated. She says she's not that kind of girl, submissive. In her head, doing things to please a man, especially relating to his man parts is being submissive and borderline trashy and slutty. That no woman who respects her self would go to such means and if the man expects it then he's a perverted sex crazed immature a-hole.

I want a divorce. Thanks for the article. If anything it tells me that there are warm blooded women out there who give about crap about the needs of men who care in kind. I was beginning to think that maybe ALL women were like her, because she says they are. Even stating that women do not like men's bodies and find naked men to be gross and ugly. I hope she can find a permanent clothed man to suite her (needs?). Obviously sex isn't a requirement, but petting her is.

Anonymous said...

I loved what you said in this post, and would love for you to write a guest post on my site. I love more than anything for you to write. GREAT POST!!!

Anonymous said...

most of it is really true. this can help a lot of people to enjoy their sex life a lot more! thank you for that.

i'm very sure that you never intended to let anything in that article sound like it, but there's really nothing sexy about sexualized violence.

i love bits of s+m and i really don't mind bruises and bites, not even blood. if that has been communicated somewhat sometime. getting my head pushed down his penis without my permission falls into the category "sexualized violence". no living creature should command over another in terms of violation if he/she can't be sure that that is 100% alright.

and yes, also calling a woman a slut is violent. not because i'm prudish, but because this is by the very basis of the word a misogynic expression. prostitution is a utterly acceptable business, but there's a lot of things going totally wrong there and these things are mirrored in words. slut is one of them.

It would really go into too much detail of history, psychology and sociology to explain why women are prone to suffering from sexual or/and physical violence, but for now, believe me, they are. take care!

we are all equals.
let go, have fun, fuck hard, but don't ever lose awareness about violence.

Daniel said...

You're blatantly one of those woman-hating bitches.
You sound like a cunt.
And i bet you're shit in bed.

Anonymous said...

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SilverWolf said...

I have a question...rather than a comment. GREAT POST by other wayyy!! Thank doesnt even hurt to be reminded sometimes. I LOVE your blunt, straight forwardness. U R right on!

My question is this.....What is the exact spot that a man (or woamn) can hold your throat and it doesnt choke can just can't make any noise. I had it used diring a brief fling and I think he called it a "silencer". Its GREAT! But I know u have to know what you are doing. Anyone????? PLZ help. I need this for me n my honey. THANX

Anonymous said...

Wow. Applause. I am in a sexless, unhappy [B]seven year[/B] relationship. She just withholds sex and says i'm unattractive whenever I don't do whatever chores she says I should, at the exact time she asks me to.

and to be honest, she does all fifty of these things anyway. and now I know why I've always felt unfulfilled. Knowing people [girls] think like this is encouraging. Maybe someday.

Hash said...

Please Ma'am.... I'll pay you to have sessions with my wife to explain this shit. N YES. I agree with you almost all of the. However... i do cuddle sometimes after sex..(I'm male)especially since my wife has the greatest curves that I love to hold while I sleep ;)

Anonymous said...

I would have to say that women who are sexually obsequiois are missing out and although i agree with everything in this rebuttle I do regret having had to read the original article to be fair.
I do not have woemn in my life who fit either scenario there is still some people out there who don't get it. I guess i have been lucky in that I have been fortunate to have complete goddesses in my life who have both nutured loved cared and been so tender and at the same time fucked my brains out and taught me how to respond and be there for them at the same time as being in my own body . No 51 :- goddess with the modess , now thats a blood sport. nice re- butt- all xx

Clare said...

Holy shit snacks I can't believe this is still getting comments.

I can't even begin to respond to them all.

But, the email is the same if I missed anything that's needing an answer!

Sorry guys, thanks for reading! (And some of you: get a sense of humor)

Anonymous said...


Not moving at all. Missionary is not an excuse to do nothing.

Absolutely right.

Anonymous said...

Alright so I agree with most of what you said but I just wanted to throw out there that everything you just said corresponds to the feminist perspective. Feminists are the ones who believe girls are perfectly equal, if not superior, to guys.

I believe your comment is aimed more towards the general population of females. Not feminists.

Because well, you're a feminist.

Anonymous said...

I love how all the people who hated this post are talking about how 1 sided it is... She didn't say that guys are never the bad ones in sexual relationships she just talked about many of the things guys miss or don't like in sex... Learn to not interpret things In a single sighted bee line

Unknown said...

hay! all guys do you know what women think about guys, what they expect from us ... just see.

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Anonymous said...

Sex is a 2 way street. It has to be mutual.

Amanda said...

I do most of the things up there.. but the only thing I have a super hard time doing is being the dominate one.. It's not cause I think the man should be the one too. its just i have a hard time doing it... (once i was so horny I thought I was going to jump my bf. when I saw him .. but as soon as he did get there, it disappeared and i was over come by Awkwardness and he was expecting me too cause i made him come over cause i was that bad... so i took me 20 mins of awkward silence for me to even kiss him. i gave him a blowjob and then he took over! which I was glad for...) not even close to as bad as the next time ... I tried being master ... i couldn't stop giggling. it was horrible. I dont really know whats wrong with me.. i am a shy person(and i was way worse the first time, i was so afraid of doing something wrong i did nothing but the more conformable i was the more i participate.) but I've been sleeping with him for 3 years. so i dont know why i still cant start sex with out screaming at my self to do it .

Anonymous said...

Hey, im sixteen and i just needed to say, i am having a relationship with two guys and i still have not had sex yet. So those tips where verry helpful and somewhat hilarious. So i intend to have nice casual birthday sex with him and get it the fuck over with, its been something i've wanted to do for a while. LOL, your sight has been soooo helpful! :)
oh, and lol! im not a robot!

Anonymous said...

I know faking an orgasm is wrong- but i always do. I dont know how to tell him. It takes me forever to orgasm and he believes shoving fingers up me is going to make me in 2 minutes. Ive told him otherwise, he didnt get the cue, so ive basically given up

I also dont want to hurt his feelings. Its one big terrible cycle

Anonymous said...

Thank you! These are things I learned at an early age....I get a lot of satisfaction knowing that I'm the girl that thinks of these things, and has them imprinted on my brain during sex. It makes for a better sex life. Growing up with all male friends, helped me to realize these things, poking their brains for what they like....The only thing i haven't quite mastered, is dirty talk....Because, every man is different, and wants to hear different things. The guy I'm seeing now, is a brawny manly man, but likes it sweet...I make the exception and cuddle for him, but, it's not something, i normally care for...because of the dead arm thing....Your article is spot on.

Anonymous said...

Great article. I truly wish you were my wife. I have a dud, she thinks we can only have sex once a week, she refuses to have oral sex and she is never spontaneous. In short, my sex life sucks. Congrats to your husband.

Anonymous said...

So im new to sex and dont really know what to do my boyfriend told me i was a starfish over text the other day but when we were having sex he didnt say or help me any so what was i suppose to be doing?

Anonymous said...

I definitly need you in my bed !

Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

Cool! I love it! Finally so real stuff for women to read and learn. I do like to cuddle though!

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Anonymous said...

Im a guy and when I was scrolling around looking for something to help me explain to my sister what to do when having sex, I saw this and I think what ever girl did this is probably chuck Norris' girlfriend or Megan Foxes boobs.

Natalie said...

There aren't really robust guidelines on how to make love to a woman. The matter is subjective and would depend on what you want or what your partner wants.

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Anonymous said...

Amazing Article! I was not expecting to find something of such good quality when I typed into Google "Mistakes When having Sex".
Wow everything you said gives me so much confidence to not make those big mistakes, and I don't agree with all the Cosmo advice either.


Natalie said...

That was really entertaining! I laughed my ass off about the amazon thing! hahaha :D Amazing.

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Anonymous said...

Yeah true that

Anonymous said...

I am being wholeheartedly honest in saying i only do one of these things, and only sometimes. On the odd occasion i'm not very confident on-top, i all-of-the-sudden forget what i am supposed to be doing, i don't have a clue why. However quite a lot of the time i'm fine.

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Anonymous said...

I am a female and when me and my boyfriend first got together i never really cared anything about how he felt and the longer we have been together the more things i have begun to do for him and i agree with what you said. The more i have done the happier he is ;) and i just found this today lol.

Unknown said...

Good Blogging, I love it.
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Anonymous said...

Holy shit. You're a genius. Thank you so much for this. Magazines making sex completely and utterly about women bothers the hell out of me. It's for both partners, not one. Thank you :D

Anonymous said...

So basically its like women are servants to the man.....and men get what they want....I'm.a women but its a two way street ...if the women got to please the man with a bj why cant the have have tespect for the women if o. Her period she dont feel like givibng a bj

Anonymous said...

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Debbie Walters.

Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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carolina said...

Me and my boyfriend were seriously in love for six years and we were planning to get married but one day he came to my house and told me he was no longer interested in our relationship simply because he was dating another rich lady who promise to buy him a car and to sponsor their wedding. And i suffer heartbreak for seven months and i was not tired of loving i take a bold step by contacting a spell caster who help me bring my ex boyfriend back. he is powerful and great his contact is you can also contact him for help

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is great, this is a great article, I wish my exes could read this.
This is truly a great article, honestly.

Unknown said...

Oh my God, I'm so glad to tell everyone the real thing that happen to me...My name is EMILIANO BABARAH. If i refuse to share this testimony it means i am selfish to my self and to people i love so much whom might have similar problems, March 16th about something 7:23pm after taken our dinner my husband got crazy started calling a lady name Melisa I love you, i was so mad and started crying like a baby...then my husband left home for the idiot called Melisa, and never return back home then i believed when he uthen nderstand his self he will surly come back to apology, but instead he left me So i complained to my friend she told me she was having such problems in her marriage until she was introduce to DR ORIOMON who specializes in bringing back broken homes and broken marriages DR ORIOMON cast a spell for me in May 4th surprisingly my husband came home May 6th apologizing that i should forgive him that it will never happen again, i was so glad and gave the thanks to DR ORIOMON who save my marriage, if you are having similar problem you can contact him and His email address is ( you can still save your marriage if u really love your husband.


Anonymous said...


I am Elizabeth, i want to thank '''' for the very great spell he caste on my husband that makes him to come back to me immediately. We have been married for 9 years and we were blessed with three kids, my husband left us unjust-fully and was lost in a beauty of a woman, a woman who can't even withstand me and was staying with her, and left me and the kids all alone in the house and never care for us. each time I called him, he always insult and used me down on
phone, until i met a friend of mine who introduce me to ( and he assured me that my husband will be back
to me within three days really after that given time I heard someone knocking at my door and find out it was my husband, pleading and dropping out tears begging for forgiveness, I accepted and we are now one, now i will advice everyone who are in this condition to contact him for your own solution at : ..... he will
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Anonymous said...

My name is Rebecca Miller I'm from united state, i have been married for 4 years and i have a break up with my husband 3 months ago and i was worried and so confuse because i love him so much. i was really going too depressed and a friend directed me to this spell caster Dr. Laco and i made all my problems known to him and he told me not to worry that he was going to make my husband to come back to me and in just 48hours i receive a call from my husband and he was appealing that i should come back to the house. i have never in my life believe in spell and but now it have just helped me and i am now so happy. All Thanks to him and if you also want to have your Husband back to yourself here !! his emailAddress( i am so happy to testify of your work and kindness

Anonymous said...

My name is emma brown, i want to use this medium to testify of how i got back my boyfriend after 8months of seperation, I and my boyfriend broke up on the 12th of August because he felt i was cheating on him with a male friend of mine, i tried all i could to explain to him but he paid deaf ears, i was emotionally devastated because i really did love him until i saw a post on the internet about a spell caster, who helps people gain back their lost love, at first i doubted if it was real because i never believed in spells but decided to give it a try, when i contacted this spell caster, he helped me cast a re-union spell and i got back my boyfriend within 48hours (2days). Contact this great spell caster for your relationship or marriage problems via email
if you are out there passing through any of
this problems listed below:

1) If you want your ex back.
(2) if you always have bad dreams.
(3) You want to be promoted in your office.
(4) You want women/men to run after you.
(5) If you want a child.
(6) You want to be rich.
(7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be
yours forever.
(8) If you need financial assistance.
(9) How you been scammed and you want to recover you lost money

henry said...

o share my testimony to all the people in the forum cos i never thought i will have my girlfriend back and she means so much to me..The girl i want to get marry to left me 4 weeks to our wedding for another man..,When i called her she never picked my calls,She deleted me on her facebook and she changed her facebook status from married to Single...when i went to her to her place of work she told her boss she never want to see me..I lost my job as a result of this cos i cant get myself anymore,my life was upside down and everything did not go smooth with my life...I tried all i could do to have her back to all did not work out until i met a Man when i Travel to Africa to execute some business have been developing some years back..I told him my problem and all have passed through in getting her back and how i lost my job...he told me he gonna help me...i don't believe that in the first place.but he swore he will help me out and he told me the reason why my girlfriend left me and also told me some hidden secrets.i was amazed when i heard that from him..he said he will cast a spell for me and i will see the results in the next couple of days..then i travel back to Us the following day and i called him when i got home and he said he's busy casting those spells and he has bought all the materials needed for the spells,he said am gonna see positive results in the next 2 days that is Thursday...My girlfriend called me at exactly 12:35pm on Thursday and apologies for all she had done ..she said,she never knew what she's doing and her sudden behavior was not intentional and she promised not to do that was like am dreaming when i heard that from her and when we ended the call,i called the man and told him my wife called and he said i haven't seen anything yet... he said i will also get my job back in 3 days time..and when its Sunday,they called me at my place of work that i should resume working on Monday and they gonna compensate me for the time limit have spent at home without working..My life is back into shape,i have my girlfriend back and we are happily married now with kids and i have my job back too.This man is really powerful..if we have up to 20 people like him in the world,the world would have been a better place..he has also helped many of my friends to solve many problems and they are all happy now..Am posting this to the forum for anybody that is interested in meeting the man for can mail him to I cant give out his number cos he told me he don't want to be disturbed by many people across the world..he said his email is okay and he' will replied to any emails asap..hope he helped u out too..good Again His Email Address Is:

henry said...

o share my testimony to all the people in the forum cos i never thought i will have my girlfriend back and she means so much to me..The girl i want to get marry to left me 4 weeks to our wedding for another man..,When i called her she never picked my calls,She deleted me on her facebook and she changed her facebook status from married to Single...when i went to her to her place of work she told her boss she never want to see me..I lost my job as a result of this cos i cant get myself anymore,my life was upside down and everything did not go smooth with my life...I tried all i could do to have her back to all did not work out until i met a Man when i Travel to Africa to execute some business have been developing some years back..I told him my problem and all have passed through in getting her back and how i lost my job...he told me he gonna help me...i don't believe that in the first place.but he swore he will help me out and he told me the reason why my girlfriend left me and also told me some hidden secrets.i was amazed when i heard that from him..he said he will cast a spell for me and i will see the results in the next couple of days..then i travel back to Us the following day and i called him when i got home and he said he's busy casting those spells and he has bought all the materials needed for the spells,he said am gonna see positive results in the next 2 days that is Thursday...My girlfriend called me at exactly 12:35pm on Thursday and apologies for all she had done ..she said,she never knew what she's doing and her sudden behavior was not intentional and she promised not to do that was like am dreaming when i heard that from her and when we ended the call,i called the man and told him my wife called and he said i haven't seen anything yet... he said i will also get my job back in 3 days time..and when its Sunday,they called me at my place of work that i should resume working on Monday and they gonna compensate me for the time limit have spent at home without working..My life is back into shape,i have my girlfriend back and we are happily married now with kids and i have my job back too.This man is really powerful..if we have up to 20 people like him in the world,the world would have been a better place..he has also helped many of my friends to solve many problems and they are all happy now..Am posting this to the forum for anybody that is interested in meeting the man for can mail him to I cant give out his number cos he told me he don't want to be disturbed by many people across the world..he said his email is okay and he' will replied to any emails asap..hope he helped u out too..good Again His Email Address Is:

Anonymous said...

Wow, this article opened up my eyes a little. It's good, but seriously.. no respectable girl wants a threesome :/

gumbala said...

I am Mrs Sandy from USA, i want to share a testimony of my life to every one. i was married to my husband Williams Jack, i love him so much we have been married for 6 years now with three kids. when he went for a vacation to UK he meant a lady called Mary?, he told me that he is no longer interested in the marriage any more. i was so confuse and seeking for help, i don't know what to do until I met my friend miss Lina and told her about my problem. she told me not to worry about it that she had a similar problem before and introduce me to a man called Dr Joel who cast a spell on her ex and bring him back to her after 3 days. Miss Lina ask me to contact Dr Joel. I contacted him to help me bring back my husband and he ask me not to worry about it that the gods of his fore-fathers will fight for me. He told me by Three days he will re-unite me and my husband together. After three day my husband called and told me he is coming back to sought out things with me, I was surprise when I saw him and he started crying for forgiveness. Right now I am the happiest woman on earth for what this great spell caster did for me and my husband, you can contact Dr Joel on any problem in this world, he is very nice man, here is his contact He is the best spell caster how can help you within three days.

Unknown said...

My name is Daniela i am not suppose to be saying this but due to the ultimate role that has played in my relationship with Philip my husband, me and Philip had been married for five year now, we were very happy together as husband and wife, but until he meant a lady called mercy, things automatically turn from good to bad, he no longer eat at home, he always come home late, he don't even listen to me and does not even take me out as it was some time ago. i was so confuse and frustrated until i meant this lady called Kessiah that once had similar problem, i was force to tell her every of my problem, out of pity she told me about this dr nogema that helped her out, at first i thought it was one of those fraudsters until i met him and he solved my problem without stress, so my husband came back to me and things was as it was before. so i decided to testify to this for the sake of those people that has similar problem, so you can contact him ( or call; (+2348164917868).

Anonymous said...

I was IN A relationship with an arrogant self centered man for 4 year and had no idea of the kind of man i was living with. What am about to write now, is not a mistake its something am proud of cos i will never stand to see some irresponsible man rise my child. Until now i use to say i am the strongest woman on earth i mean no matter what a man throws at my face in a relationship i will always not let it affect me. Well i was wrong when you have a child with that man every thing he does that is not in your interest hurt you so bad that it feels like your heart is bleeding not cos of you something but mostly because of your child. The name i'm using here is a fictional name cos i don't want anybody talking about me. Mike and i,were together for four years and we had a child a son together but we weren't married. Our relationship was just as fun as it usually is in the dating stage i mean we went dates we text all night he call me on the phone just to tell me i love you. It was the best moment of my life aside from the birth of my son and he was right there with me in the labor room when i put to birth he never left my side i mean my life was a fairy tale with the happily ever after theme. When i look back now i ask myself why?Why did he go through all that trouble when really he didn't love me as he use to say. It was hard for me cos he went from being perfect to being ruthless he made sure i knew he was cheating on me with another b**ch and went i was tried to go away with my son, he threatening to take him away for me that i came with nothing and and also leaving with nothing . I wish i can put this in film to make it more clear for you guy i mean he made me pass through hell. And he was really going to take my son from me cos he was wealthy and the law was on his side cos i had nothing to offer my son i mean i work three job and hardly had time for myself he used that against and i was losing cos i could not even afford a lawyer. Everything was spinning out of hand. All i had with me was the hate and pain in my heart i would stay up all night crying my eyes out cos i had nothing to do. But like they say a desperate woman is a dangerous one. In my quest for help on how to make the scum bag stay away form me and my son i contacted a spell casted i found online i have seen a couple of good remark about him and some most highly recommended him as the best in spell casting. Like i say am proud of what i did if wanting to be with your son by all mean necessary is crazy then i am crazy to have contacted Mutton Osun the spell caster. It made me calm when mutton osun told me he can help me and that he was not going to charge me but how ever he asked me to get the materials we use for the spell and i also paid for the delivery of the parcel he sent me with instruction of how to make the spell effective. Just weeks after i did what he asked me Mike dropped all the case and left the country with his new b**ch i didn't really care cos i had my baby that is alright for me though i love him i don't want a monster as a husband or a father of my child so i let him go. I highly recommend you contact Mutton Osun for help if you need any on his email

Unknown said...

My name is Dirce Ries from Illinois in USA. Am here to testify of a great and powerful spell caster named Priest Kuvuki via his email: ( I was so confused and devastated when my boy friend left me for another girl. I needed him back desperately because i loved him so much. So i contacted this great spell caster for a help. He helped me cast a return love spell on him and just within 12 to 16 hours my boy friend came back to me crying and begging for my forgiveness. I want to recommend this great spell caster to anyone that truly needs an urgent solution to a love break up. Simply contact the great Priest Kuvuki via his email address
( )

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Amazing write up. I am going to read the whole series

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Anonymous said...

I want to share my testimony on how i was able to get back my husband last few months and with the help of Dr Ekaka because my man left me for over 3years and went on with another lady and i was unable to move on with my life because of the love i have for him last month i saw a testimony on the internet on how Dr Ekaka help someone with love spell so i never believe it but just have to try my faith which i did and i contacted him on his email: and he told me what i need to do and after 2days i received a call from my husband asking me to come back to him it was all like a dream to me i am so happy now as we are back together again thanks to Dr Ekaka and i will advice anyone in need of help to contact him.

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MR JAKE said...

Hello readers
My Name is: Jake am from England, All thanks goes to Dr Ajagbo for saving my
marriage from toning apart. i feel so grateful and only have good words
about a powerful spell caster named Dr Ajagbo who helped me bring
back my wife. We had been apart for over 4 months , at first I was thinking if I
was doing the right thing by contacting a spell caster, but I so much love
my wife and won't give her up for anything in this world. I decided to
contact Dr Ajagbo through his email address, via email address: and I also call him with his phone number+2348156759423.
and I found on several testifiers messages about him online,and I told him about my situation, he laughed and told
me my wife will be back to me in the next 48 hours. I felt it wasn't going
to happen at first until my wife called me and was so eager to have me
back more than anything on earth.. Now we are together and she cant do
without me,and both of us are happy. I feel so happy sharing this
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work very smooth and fast. Thanks to Dr Ajagbo for bringing back
happiness to my life. I swear with my life that Dr ajagbo is a man to
trust and take your problems to. You can contact him on his email if you
really and truly want your love back. His via email address:(

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