Thursday, November 30, 2006

So. A buddy from TJNR found this little gem.
It's called Fifty Mistakes Men Make When Having Sex.

Ive never met the author, but I don't like him.
If he wants to speak for all women and assume we all want some nerdy little pussy whipped sissy, that's fine.

I'd like to take this opportuity to post my rebuttal, for those of you that don't read the forums I frequent.

The Politics of Fucking

50 Mistakes Women Make When Having Sex.

1. Assuming he can get a raging hard on when it suits you. Contrary to popular belief, men can't just flip a switch and get it up because you decided to stop being a frigid bitch. Getting it hard is your job. I suggest you figure it out.

2. Thinking that kissing needs to be this sweet romantic thing all the time. Sometimes pressing your lips against your partners mouth while you get off is the hot. It depends on the situation.

3. Leaving him responsible for your orgasm. You know what gets you off. Tell him. If you don't, it's your own fault when he's snoozing and you're all wound up.

4. Expecting him to cuddle. Men and women are wired differently. Sex makes most women want to talk and bond and all that shit. It makes men pass out. It's a biological thing. Stop fighting it, and stop holding it over his head, it's not his fault.

5. Expecting him to fall asleep with you in his arms. That shit is uncomfortable after awhile. A little snuggling isn't unreasonable, but when it's time to actually sleep? An arm draped over you should suffice.

6. Expecting him to always lay on the charm and romance. Sometimes, that's nice. Sometimes. But expecting him to be all roses and candles all the time is like expecting you to act like a pornstar all the time. If you're not willing to do that, don't expect him to switch for you.

7. Being selfish in bed. Regardless of the shit that Cosmo forces down our throats, sex is NOT just about us. Get over it.

8. Using Cosmo as a sex bible. I dont know who comes up with half that shit, but I'm pretty sure they need counseling.

9. Whining when he pushes your head down on his cock instead of stroking your hair. Know why he's pushing, skippy? Because you aren't doing it right, and have apparently ignored the other clues he's given you. Pay attention to the signals that he's sending you.

10. Not moving at all. Missionary is not an excuse to do nothing.

11. Expecting him to undress himself with any amount of grace. He's about to get some pussy. Be glad he bothered to take his pants all the way off. If it concerns you so much, undress him yourself.

12. Not shaving your legs. Im pretty bad at this myself. But if you want your guy stubble free, you better get out the razor.

13. Allowing your crotch to resemble the amazon. Yes, waxing hurts. Yes, some people don't want to go bare. Thats fine. If you like bush, great. If you have sensitive skin and can't shave, I feel for you. But for the love of Christ, trim that shit if you want him to spend any time down there.

14. Assuming that sex means a relationship. The only relationship you have is that he has now stuck his hoo hoo dilly in your cha cha. That's as far as it goes unless otherwise noted.

15. Withholding oral sex just because you're ragging. He didn't do it. Unless you want him to withhold oral sex because he's hormonal, I suggest you get some kneepads.

16. Expecting him to figure out what you like by what noise you make. Use your words. Have you ever actually heard what you sound like while you're having sex? If you heard yourself on tape, and someone asked you to explain what was causing you to make that noise, 67% of women would respond with answers like "I stubbed my toe" "I ran up the steps" or "I was putting up drywall".

17. Leaving condoms up to him. If you're sexually active and insist that he uses a condom, I suggest buying a box and keeping it by your bed. Not all men keep them on them, and it's just as much your responsibility as it is his. If you think that makes you a slut, you shouldn't be having sex anyway. Go back to Jr High.

18. Getting your undies in a bunch when he talks dirty. A little fantasy can be fun. If he treats you with respect all the time, you shouldn't be offended when he calls you his dirty little slut. When he calls you a whore and tells you to come, its his way of showing that he cares if you get off. Stop being a sissy.

19. Refusing to be spontaneous. I know this is shocking, but sometimes sex OUTSIDE of the bedroom is fun.

20. Dissing quickies because it's not some slow sensual ordeal. Sex is a dynamic thing. Theres an awesome raw energy when you only have 20 minutes but having to have someone so bad that you do it half clothed against the wall. Readjust your thinking.

21. Being too much of a pussy to tell him what is or isn't acceptable before you start bumping uglies. Be honest. If he asks if he can poke you in the butt, and you giggle and say no like it's an invitation, don't look surprised when he "accidentally" sticks his cock in your butt.

22. Expecting him to undress you. I put a bra on almost every day. I know for a fact that getting them off isn't always easy. Help a brother out.

23. Undressing in the dark. If youre shy, dim the lights, but give the man something to see. No ripping off the clothes and diving under the covers, either.

24. Refusing to get on top. Theres no reason men should have to do all the work.

25. Getting that bored look on your face. Men are more visual than women. Give him something to look at. Get on top and arch your back a little bit. Move. Do something to indicate that you 1) are not dead and 2) didn't suffer a minor stroke rendering you unable to move.

26. Expecting him to do all the touching when you're riding him. It's your body, you're used to it. Play with your tits, rub your clit, do something to make his job easier.

27. Being too afraid to guide your partner's hand when hes touching you. Don't like the way he's doing it? Gently take his hand and show him how you like it.

28. Getting into bed, getting naked, fooling around and then deciding that you just want to cuddle, then getting offended when he doesn't. Its your choice to stop, but don't look all fucking surprised when he's confused. You got him naked in your bed, what else did you think was going to happen?

29. Refusing to let him take control. So your a feminist. Big fucking deal. Letting him call the shots doesn't make you any less of one.

30. Refusing to take control. Its ok to crawl across a bed to him on all fours, push him down and crawl on top. It's not his responsibility to start things all the time.

31. Forgetting that he has a body that likes to be touched, too. Men have things like backs and shoulders and stomachs and other parts that are fun to kiss and touch. You miss a lot of good places by concentrating solely on his penis.

32. Ignoring his balls. Seriously, they are there. Kiss them, lick them, suck on them, make a relationship with them, just don't ignore them.

33. Leaving him to his own devices. Nothing is worse than a girl who gets you most of the way off and then bolts because she doesn't want to deal with the mess.

34. Launching into some speech about not being an object for sex when he tries to titty fuck you. Jesus Christ, just push them together and enjoy yourself. You get a great view.

35. Expecting him to handle you like a porcelain doll. I'd hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you're not going to break, sister. So doing it against the wall gives you a bruise on your shoulder. Look at it later and giggle at the memory.

36. Refusing to try things in the name of "making love". You're not making anything. You are naked. With another person. Making strange faces and weird noises. Stop romanticizing it.

37. Taking things way too seriously. Sex is funny. Actually it's hilarious. Somewhere along the line, someone is going to fall off of a bed, hit their head on a lighting fixture, accidentally kick a midget or trip over a goat. It's how you deal with it that really matters.

38. Throwing a bitch fit when he asks for a 3 some. Its the American dream. (I know my ex is reading this right now, so a quick interjection. One request for a 3 some is ok. Every 5 minutes, not so much. Know the difference).

39. Continuing a blow job knowing that you have god awful cotton mouth. Really. Grab a bottle of water.

40. Nails. Its one thing tracing them up and down your partners back. Its another when you snag the goods with a claw.

41. Bitching when you get jizz on you. You're having sex. That will happen. Thats the entire point of sex. Establish where he can and cant jizz and be done with it. Remember, it tightens the pores.

42. Not making any noises at all. Moan. Scream his name. Something so he knows he's the best you've had, even if he isn't.

43. Faking orgasms. Just. Don't. By faking (IF he believes you) he thinks he's doing everything right. And if he doesn't know its not working, he's not going to change it. Starting a vicious cycle of unfulfilling sex which will eventually be very damaging to his ego.

44. Not washing before sex. I know that sex is spontaneous, this is more of a general statement. If you haven't showered that day, and things smell a little...fishy...perhaps demanding oral sex is a little ridiculous of you.

45. Anything that involves inserting anything into his body that he has not specifically approved before hand. I don't care what Cosmo says, some things are simply not pleasant surprises.

46. Refusing to use oils/whipped cream/other messy but fun things because you have 541510630 count Egyptian cotton sheets that were made by hand by the only person alive capable of sewing that pattern. They'll wash.

47. Doing all of your before bed things before sex. Yes, sleeping with makeup on is bad. Now is not the time to remove it, you can do that later. And really fucking you with your hair in a ratty scrunchie with acne cream on your nose is not all its cracked up to be.

48. Cleaning up after sex. Wiping the splooge off is one thing. But changing the sheets immediately so you can get the other ones in the washer and then sanitizing everything your naked body might have possibly passed by is not the way to do it.

49. Making a big deal out of it if he loses his hard on. This is not an interrogation, or 20 questions. It happens, he's probably mortified and you are NOT helping. Refrain from using phrases like "it happens to every guy". Just move to other activities until it gets hard again, and if it doesn't, get off another way with him. He's still capable of getting you off. Mumbling "Forget it" and rolling over are not ok.

50. Asking questions right afterwards. The woman equivalent of "was it good for you?". Now is not a good time to ask "What this means". Right now, it means he probably needs to take a drink, a leak and a nap, perhaps not in that order.

That is all.

Ive gotten massive traffic to this page lately...check out the rest of the place while you're here!


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Anonymous said...

someone submit this to digg again hopefully the digg
effect will bring your stupid attempt
for publicity down, -- ddos ..

Benny said...

Hello! nice article and you have a very nice blog!
This all is truth but don't forget that man also should care about all thi stuff.
It would be nice to exchange links with your blog, here is mine:
Let me know if you want to link exchange with me, simply write the comment, and add my blog to your links, and i will add your blog to my links!
Thank You,
Keep up the good work!
Sexy Bikini

Anonymous said...

Bravo this so works with gay men as well who in my experience fall somewhere in between often. Your mileage may vary :P

Anonymous said...

Ohh yes girl, Someone that tells it like it is.
You are my hero and trully a genius of greater minds.
Someone pleaaaaaaase post this on digg hurry.
before more people miss out...

Anonymous said...


This is exactly what i think when i leave my gf's place. She has a habit of revving me up and the she 'jokingly?' taps the bits and says im too tired.


great list

Anonymous said...

42. Not making any noises at all. Moan. Scream his name. Something so he knows he's the best you've had, even if he isn't.


43. Faking orgasms. Just. Don't. By faking (IF he believes you) he thinks he's doing everything right. And if he doesn't know its not working, he's not going to change it. Starting a vicious cycle of unfulfilling sex which will eventually be very damaging to his ego.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Stunningly true.

You're a goddess.

Riss said...

I'm with you on that, I think a lot of women are but we're drowned out by the Oprah-worshiping masses.

And to be honest, it's a little sickening that most of that even needed to be said when it's mostly common sense.

Anonymous said...

Girlfriend about to be dumped in favor of Clarissa. Thanks for getting it right...

Anonymous said...

I really DIGG this article!!!!
Ijust thought it made people DIGG deeper inside themselves for
the realness of what humen nature is ...

Anonymous said...

this was perfect, just made my day.

Anonymous said...

Feminism, to me, is the understanding that a woman doesn't have to conform to the injection-molded stereotype of what anyone thinks she has to be. I'd say anyone who's authentically being herself can be categorized as acting in a feminist manner. But what the hell do I know, eh? I'm male.

Anonymous said...

I am male and I think on a sociological level this could lead to a further exploitation of woman as sexual objects. I don't think that these can be made whole truths for everyone but I can see how it is beneficial to get people thinking about sex less as a one sided equation. So well done. Kinda.

Anonymous said...

I liked this it brightened my for all those who posted negative comments im gonna try to shed some light on ur sheltered/ignorant/arrogant minds(yes i know it was redundant).. WARNING this going to be a long comment

to all those who said that this is degrading to women etc... you need to wake up this is about equality in the bedroom ... lighten up its just sex... to those who think this is for shock value or plublicity, ur wrong its only shocking to those of you who can't deal with adult language and adult situations so grow up.... there is no point in using euphamisms to portray something in a less "vulgar" light, you have to call a spade a spade.... to those of you who said ur man doesnt like noise or whatever this post wasnt about UR specific boyfriend its general its all about giving and taking some of these may not apply to u.. everyone has their own likes n dislikes, besides its just her opinion from personal experience... (some of u may or may not have that experience)... and to those of u who r saying this will promote std's obviously u didnt read the part about condoms and its not like shes telling u to sleep with everyone it is just some helpfull tips for those who r "unfamiliar" with sex or pleasing someone... from what it sounds like shes in a monogamous relationship so save ur lectures.... to those who say 42/43 r contradictory i can c how u think that but your wrong they both promote the idea of being sensitive to your partners feelings im sure no one likes being lied 2 ...thats y u shouldnt fake orgasims if u didnt climax let them know but u dont have to destroy his ego in the middle of sex... let out a few screams if it makes him feel better.. im a rather quiet person during sex i let out a few moans and screams every now and again just so the girl knows im having a good time.... alot of u said this is an immature post or written by a child it becomes more apparent to me that you r the immature ones sex is funny its a fundamental part of humanity that almost everyone takes part in... this post was about expressing ur affection/care to ur lover and theres nothing immature about that... to those of you who said that this promotes sexual harassment to women u r obviously blinded by ur own ignorance at no part in there did she say it is ok to do something that was not consentual in fact she was stating that women need to be more aggressive ...another common complaint is that its offensive to women that is just plain fucking stupid she did not call women inferior she did not say slap the bitch all she did was list ways for women to please their partner.. if that bothers u then u r being insensitive to the needs of men... we may like things that u may not like to do and vice versa its all about achieving an understanding with ur partner calm the fuck down!........i just had to say something about this post specifically...
[quote]This message tells guys it's okay to treat women like shit. women like it... we prefer it. Hmm, nope, not me. If you wanna get your knees dirty licking nasty nuts... leave the rest of the female population out of it. [/quote]
at what point did she say it was ok to treat women like shit because i would like a quoted reference? just because YOU dont like nuts in ur mouth doesnt mean you cant do something "special" for someone u care about... i have gone down on girls plenty of times the view/taste/smell is no better from our end hunny... we do it because YOU like it i just hope u dont represent the majority of the female population whose to prude to make sacrifices for your lover... oo and to those of you who doubt this is written by a female it really so hard to believe that a women could write something that men would be concerned about? there isn't even any motivation to hide being a male she has nothing to gain... oo and to the female porn star who said this is BS ur having fake sex that does not lend credibility to normal everyday people and none of the points were far from reality...which guy doesnt like it when u enjoy sex as much as him?.. which guy doesnt like the girl to come to him for sex every now and again?...what guy doesnt like oral sex on occasion?...none of these r unreasonable none of these ask women to go above and beyond normal expectations ..... especially if ur in a monogamous relationship.... another quotable that had to be adressed [quote]20 years old and advising the world about sex.
What are your credentials?
How many years have you been at it?
And how many dudes have hit it?
x10? x100? x1000?[/quote] ....if she slept with 1 billion men does that make her less credible what if she slept with one guy does that mean this is BS? since when do people need credentials to post their opinion on the internet? what r ur credentials to deny the truth in this? do u have a little piece of paper that said u sat through classes on how to make someone happy? STFU!.....There is nothing shameful in this post the only people who should be ashamed r those who were offended that just means ur guilty of being selfish...its shameful that u think this is a teenage boys fantasy if sexually equality is a fantasy for most then this post was in dire need to enlighten u..... i think that should cover most the complaints if ne of u have problems with what i said u can foward it to (thats a fake email adress just incase ur that retarded)
P.S. thank you for posting this list!

Anonymous said... loves you baby! We want a feature post, because you tell it like it is!

If only I could convince my girlfriend to surf the net more... I think this will be her new homepage

Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

You can tell who the chicks are that responded to this, due to their bitching.

They're the ones that needed to read it the most...

Anonymous said...

i really don't see how this is any different from something that would appear in cosmo. "how to plase your man" and all that hogwash.

every single person on this planet has different likes and dislikes, so making any kind of list is pointless.

this only thing that matters is that all participants are enjoying themselves, the rest will follow.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you're awesome.

Anonymous said...

Interesting and agreeable in some aspects, but you shouldn't generalize so much. You leave yourself open for comments like the one posted before me.

Anonymous said...

i know men who like to lay there and do nothing and i know men who like to be in total control. i also know people who pee on eachother so you can never really tell what someone is into.
thank god i'm a lesbian.

Anonymous said...

everything the above poster said is negated by use of the term 'fags'. there is never a need for that.

Anonymous said...

i have never in my life encountered a woman who refused to give a blow job or was a cuddle machine. i wonder where you people live and what circles you travel in to have only come across women with no sexual education.

Anonymous said...

So, coffee good for you?

Anonymous said...

I would seriously send you a dollar. Just say where. I'm not even kidding.

Anonymous said...

So yeah I am a girl. And most of what is in this is true. However, you forget to mention that 90% of women above the age of 18 know all of this information already. So if you are a guy and you aren't getting everything you want in the bedroom maybe you need to have a little talk. If for some reason she falls in to the 10% you will help teach her a lesson ( in a good way) otherwise maybe she dosn't care if you are there or not.

Think about it. Most relationships are great in the begining, baring the new to sex ones, and even those can be great too. And after about a few months some die down. Yes it dosn't have to be all roses and wine in a bubble bath but for fucks sake it has to be worth doing. If you are bored in bed then speak up and figure it out or you won't be in the bed with that person anymore. THIS IS A 2 WAY STREET it involves communication on both parts.

I also want to add that nothing in here is mentioned about new parents or new babies in the home.

I know not everyone is a parent but some things should be added. Women, yes you have to wait x ammount of weeks to have sex after you have the kid. This does not include oral sex. Yes you are tired, yes the baby will be up in 30 min to eat but the man need some luvins.

Men, just because the x ammount of weeks have passed and you have the "OK" from the Dr. does not mean she is emotionaly ready for sex. However shee above paragraph.

Durring you bun in the oven event remember that you aren't fat you are knocked up. Men might find this attractive. So give him a little something, all your organs are already swollen so you shoud get off quickly, and yes it is good for you. Women who have sex in the last trimester have an easier time pushing the little one out and this can help induce labor if you are close or over your due date.

Men if you want a little something something while she is knocked up and she isn't ready and willing it will take more effort, ie. back, foot, leg, rubbing. LOTS of cuddling. Flowers and a bubble bath might be involved. Cleaning the house is a good one too.

Anonymous said...

Iam a girl and i agree with all of this...

checkmate=the toddster /Sarcasm

Anonymous said...

Can we fuck?

Anonymous said...

wow. very nice post and very true :-)

Anonymous said...

For "sisofdave"...
Wow. Way to exemplify the typical angry frigid feminazi.
#1: Shaving/waxing/removing body hair (on BOTH sexes) cuts down on body hair, and looks better. Seriously. So, congratulations on having some stank. And as far as the whole "sharp object" thing.. whatthefuckever..
#2:NICE girls are kept. NOT DUMPED, by SMART men. Read that again. MEN. NOT lil boys who haven't grown up. NICE girls... way to generalize! yay for stereotypes!
#3: Saying "Romance to a woman = oral sex to a dude" is a complete untruth. Because, you know what? For my girlfriend, Oral sex to a woman = Oral sex to dude. And I am sure that ALOT ALOT ALOT of women are the same. Romance is NOT dead... but jesus, ALOT of people LOVE TO FUCK.. either their husband/wife, or girlfriend/boyfriend/whatever... they LOVE TO FUCK!!! And if you can FUCK the person you LOVE.. well then, I'd say that's PRETTY fucking wonderful and romantic. So there. Ice Queen.
#4: being into submissive sex does NOT rule out the comments. (See #29) So, you are simply wrong.
and finally, chivalry is NOT dead... it just has to compete with feminazi doublethink/doubletalk.
Now, I'm gonna bang my girlfriend for like 10 minutes before I have to run to work... against the wall. ALOT. and Hard.

Anonymous said...

Be David Caruso in "Jade.",exept more of a dick...--40 year od virgin
thats my list

Anonymous said...

Ladies.....has it occured that since the men are generally argeeing with this, there might be some truth to it? HMMMMM......

also, for those of you that do disagree with "the list" (yes this will be refered to as "the list" for now on) you WILL be dumped everytime no matter how nice you are.

Anonymous said...

there is a lot of talk about removing body hair...
i don't shave ANYTHING, and i have never had a problem attracting and keeping men. one night stands and long term relationships. of course, the kind of guy i'm into doesn't give a shit about body hair, and that is the key. you find someone compatible.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you were a guy in your previous life?

Or maybe your BF helped you out with this?

But no way any chick would be this insightful! No way!

Anonymous said...


Excellent post!! Finally someone who doesn't dramatize the whole thing and remembers that when you're having sex with someone, there are 2 players, not just one. And if any feminist is offended, they just don't get that we all want to be seen as an object of pleasure and desire. The difference is that in a relationship, you want to be seen as an object AND a person, depending on the context.

Damn... I'm still blown away by this post. Thank you for sharing you thoughts!!!

Anonymous said...

Not like you haven't received enough comments already... especially after the Digg effect, but wowee. I might have to make this list G rated, for my Christian's wife's sake, but you're right on about everything. Religious or not, sex is sex. Married or not, the practicality of sex is still true.

Anonymous said...

Piling on here, close to 300 comments.

Great Article! Dugg it for sure.

Particulary liked number #12 & #24.

Anonymous said...

"and now i have a list i found on the internet to prove to them that they are dirty feminists for having a gag reflex"


Anonymous said...

I'd love to send this to an ex. Cindy P. of Garland, Tx, you really, really need to read this!

Anonymous said...

lady, you have issues. not all women think of sex the same way you do. we're not all sluts. you're inconsiderate of other women's feelings. you have to realize that different women look different things. they have certain likes and dislikes and you completely ignored that. sex is not just something you do to have fun. it's suppose to be something special that two people share together. sex is all about being considerate of one another. of course guys have preferences too, but you have to understand that not all women are as "open-minded" as you are.

Anonymous said...

honestly, if you were with some random guy and he pushed your head down to his penus, would you like that? now, imagine it's your boyfriend or husband doing that to you, would you think that's out of respect? if he really respected you, he'd ask if you could or wanted to, not put his yearn for pleasure before thinking about whether or not you'd like it. i hope you dont think girls like being pushed around, especially by the head.

Anonymous said...

there's some things men dont like, but what happened to the compromising in the relationship.

Anonymous said...

is it too much to ask?

Anonymous said...

look at the previous comments. most of them are from guys. notice how unrespectful they are to their girlfriends. some guy even said the phase "dumbass girlfriend." you've just encouraged all your readers to be submissive to their male rulers and promoted the ill-treatment of all women.

Anonymous said...

i'm a guy. and i dont agree with any of the guys here who refer to women as "dumbass bitches or hos." i'm a super romantico, who thinks of sex (making love) as a sacred act between a man and a woman. the fact that you can even say "want respect in the bedroom" means that you dont value anything but the act itself. youre probably not getting some anymore from anyone because of your selfish, egotistic ideals, sir. too bad for you suckas

Anonymous said...

"honestly, if you were with some random guy and he pushed your head down to his penus, would you like that? now, imagine it's your boyfriend or husband doing that to you, would you think that's out of respect? if he really respected you, he'd ask if you could or wanted to, not put his yearn for pleasure before thinking about whether or not you'd like it. i hope you dont think girls like being pushed around, especially by the head."

you are a royal idiot. If a girl pushed my head harder into her cunt (it has happened) i would just laugh and give it to her harder because she's loving it. If you have to ask every time you want something done a little different during sex then you are some easily offended bitch. Its a physical act between two people, get over it. If you get offended or feel violated over every little thing maybe sex isn't for you. I guess if I really respected my girlfriend I would ask politely before I removed each piece of her clothing, before I touched each part of her body, and each time I started to do her harder?

Anonymous said...

okay let's back the train up here. there is a big difference between a woman grinding on your face and HAVING A PHALLUS TRIGGERING YOUR GAG REFLEX.
men, i suggest you try blowing another guy before you judge.

Anonymous said...

ladies, we should get together and create a movement against guy who try to get out of wearing condoms.

Anonymous said...

You haven't gotten laid in a really long time have you?

Chris Abraham said...

You are brilliant and inspired and I guarantee that instead of eating this up and learning a thing or two, women will just get indignant and take their sex and go home.

Chris Abraham said...

This is the worst thing any man has said, "I respect you far too much as a woman to do to you the things you would ask me to do." Gah!

Anonymous said...

just because we dont do it, doesnt mean it should be categorized as a mistake. the title doesnt seem fit.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm a guy, and I don't know much about sex, since I'm still a virgin (so you can nullify my post if you want...)But I think it's nice to a little bit of "advice to women" articles around. All I ever see in books and websites is advice to guys, how to do this and that (Which I'm totally for, I really want to make it as pleasurable as I can for my woman). I just laugh out how defensive women get when they read these lists. Heck we put up with it all day, and on specific example I always hear is "If you you go before your partner does, than you egoistical" which I don't think is always the case. I think it's just a matter of practice.

Anyways, back on topic...

I think the list is good. Some may have gone a little to far. But in general, by the looks of the posts by a majority of guys, it really seems to show what guys like in sex. So I don't see why you wouldn't try or allow a few of them in order to give him a little more fun or joy in bed.

I always have heard that sex is best when you concentrate more on pleasuring the person you love (unless you know, one night stand and stuff, I don't think athat applies.) Same to men as woman.

Anyways, I'll shut my totally unknowladgable, newbeish head up and leave it to you people who actually have experience.

Peace, Morgri.

Anonymous said...

see? at least the novice cares.

Anonymous said...

superb post.

Anonymous said...

not one thing on that list is unreasonable!

Anonymous said...

i know that you've gotten a lot of positive feedback, but a little more can't hurt, right?
everyone should be as laid back and logical as you

Anonymous said...

Similar to the washing your cooch before sex tip: If you like to be taken from behind, and you've done a doody earlier that day, then for god sakes woman, WASH (not only wipe) your ass. Even if there is no visible detritus present, there is still an odor. Nobody (normal) wants to smell shit while they are pounding away at you. Granted, we'll still bang you but its revolting while its happening.

Anonymous said...

you are the shit! this is awesome. i have printed this out and keeping it with me at all times! you are totally correct in 1-50! awesome!

Anonymous said...

Im pasting this on my forehead next time I take something home...

Anonymous said...

You know being a woman myself, I do agree with MOST of what you have to say, but saying it/writing it/typing it is a LOT easier than actually doing all of those things!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a she and I agree with most of these (especially in the chapter of women taking their share of responsibility in sex) but I emphatically disagree with n°35. I've let men do things that were causing me discomfort or pain for years just not to kill the ambiance and appear like a sissy. But how do you expect to concentrate on pleasure while he's crushing some part of your body/you're having a nasty cramp/you're sore because you're not lubricated enough/whatever? I wonder how anyone could. In the long term it's damageable. Now when something is uncomfortable or painful I SAY it (expecting him to find out from my body language is illusory) so I'm a lot more relaxed during sex and I'm sure it's more pleasant to my partners too.

Anonymous said...

Marry me. Seriously. :)

Anonymous said...

This is a terrific post :) Thank you for it - i have never understood why women are so whiney about sex (I AM a woman) I am always mystified when i hear women whining "I don't like to give head!" or "He better not wake me up in the middle of the night for sex." ??????

What kind of person says crap like that? I know they do because i've met them - it still just mystifies me. Thank you for proving that there really ARE women out there like me :)

Anonymous said...

I'm SOOOOO glad that there are other fun and adventureous girls out there like me... Frankly I HATE the girls who give us a bad name!!

So yeah, cute "love making" is all romantic and shit, in the movies and whatever... but face it, what's the most fulfilling kind of sex? I love it fast, rough, and from all positions!! Girls lemme hear ya!! If I'm not getting what I want, I say it, or do it... guys really can't read minds no matter how much we wish they could.

I'm also a firm believer in keeping lights on and staying ABOVE the covers... it's so much more stimulating!! Most guys would even love the fact that you're just confident enough to do it... so show your body off!!

Guys, keep doing what youre doing... eventually you'll find the girl who likes what you do, and the other girls will have to... do something else!!

Anonymous said...

whats wrong with you?

you made some great points but some of it I'm sorry to say is such BS...

even if it is all so, doesn't mean its right, why should the woman change everything? why can't the man change? why should we suffer?

Anonymous said...

aaaaaamen, aaaaaamen, aaaamen amen amen

Anonymous said...

threesome is an American dream, ay?

so granting HER wish by sharing your girl with another man is ok?

the sobsister said...

Bravo fucking bravo.

Yes. On all counts.

It's funny 'cause it's true. And it's funny on its own.

Excellent job. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

i am gonna print this out and shove it in
every cosmo in my local supermarket. god i wanna have sex with you. <3

Anonymous said...

Kudos. Bout time women stop blaming and start stepping up to the plate. Very nice read.

Anonymous said...

you are a GENIUS.

such kind, sensual, practical, reasonable advice!

Anonymous said...

This is Dave are you my Sister?

seriously, there is some validity to the original post. out of all the women that I have been with most have been great, the worst of them have been good.

Anonymous said...

All right. So I read the list, initially agreed with the message of equality in the bedroom and not its presentation, so I concluded to read all of the comments, just in case maybe some things would be cleared up. Maybe I was over-reacting and just being too uptight.

What I found: repeated use of the word "bitch," "slut," and "feminist" attributed to nearly every woman who tried to make an intelligent point. And this is our society.

Some examples:
--"You can tell who the chicks are that responded to this, due to their bitching."
--"boo hoo i dont like to give blowjobs.... save it bitch"
--"LOL at sisofdave... What an angry, hairy, frigid bitch."
--"Wow. Way to exemplify the typical angry frigid feminazi."
--"Sisofdave has been smoking too much feminazi brand crack."
--"yeah fuck you bitches that want respect in the bedroom!"

And of course the required, so oft-repeated joke that I've heard so many times that it no longer holds any remote sort of amusement: "what do u say to a girl with 2 blackeyes/nothing... u already told the bitch twice!"

This horrifies me. If you want to argue, that's fine. Seriously, please debate with me and tell me why you think Claire's right, or conversely why any of the posters are wrong to object to the things written on this blog. But just calling a woman a bitch displays a lack of intelligence and does nothing but perpetuate (male and female) chauvinism. Yes, believe it or not, a feminist like me recognizes that men and women are both, together, equally responsbile for sexism.

And so the state of our glorious sex-obsessed world has driven a woman to try to be one of the guys by making tongue-in-cheek suggestions - but guess what, Claire? You'll never be a guy, and men will never value you as a man. You'll always be a second-class citizen to them, a mere plaything, and you're continuing the trend by writing self-deprecating drivel like this. If you're trying to say that women are equal in the bedroom/life (which I do honestly think is your aim), then don't write about how a woman should accept a man ramming his dick down her throat. To me, that's demeaning. But everyone has their fetishes - for some, maybe, it's fine.

Since when did "feminist" and "feminism" become derogatory terms? A way of putting a woman down? A curious amount of posters used it or one of its variants (read: frigid feminazi) as a short, shallow response to a poster's well-thought-out points.

Just because I don't particularly enjoy the pain of getting waxed doesn't make me a frigid bitch. Just because I like romance and cuddling doesn't mean that I'm a deluded feminist who doesn't have needs or doesn't like sex. What the hell is that? What human being doesn't like sex?!?! (save for those who have physical conditions that render them afraid of's a phobia of some sort) Sex is wonderful. Amazing. Animalistic. But, as others have already posted, it works out a lot better when the two (or you know...3 or 5) people involved are on the same page about it. If you want to be with a girl who you can think of us a slutty bitch, go find one. They're a dime a dozen. Not hard to find whatsoever. But are you going to bring her home to mom?

But I digress. You have a right to say whatever you want to say about it, Claire. I respect that. But you can't be one of the guys, so stop trying to. If a guy likes a girl (or just wants to get off when they're together), he'll tell her what he likes/doesn't like, and vice versa. It's stupid to try to attain power by acting like a man - that's the central theme of sexism: that women need to act like men to succeed in the world, that there's even such a thing as acting like a man.

Men and women are intrinsically different - chemically, physically, all that. But that fact doesn't mean that we can't please each other while simultaneously showing each other respect.

Anonymous said...

im knew to sex and a intemet realation ship and i whant to be sure im giveing my man the best hes ever had that i can give him and women forget that they like to be shown and pleased as well other then just haveing the sex they like to be plaesed other ways as well great pionts to rember and try next time ,trying new things is always fun and a great memory great pionts right on .

Anonymous said...

You shout also read this: .

Anonymous said...

i expect the man to work a little harder because he's going to get off no matter what, it takes work for me to do the same.

Anonymous said...

Claire: you're the best.

Might I suggest one addendum?

Your boyfriend is going to masturbate. Your boyfriend is going to look at other women.
Your boyfriend is going to watch porn.
If you can't deal with this, you shouldn't be in an adult relationship.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I have to comment on this because I wasted so much time reading all the comments. I thought the original post was great. Mostly because it was hilarious, and generally true. I can't go as far as brilliant and probing because it seems to me that most of it is pretty common sense. As I was reading through the comments, there were a few that struck me...

Those of you who are labeling this as sexist and demeaning, I think you should take a moment to rethink. No where in the article does it say "please allow your man to use you as a doormat for his own pleasure." If that's what you took away, you're doing it to yourself. The point is, you won't like everything he likes to do. He won't like everything you like to do. There's a word for that... hold on, I'll think of it... oh yeah, COMPROMISE. If you absolutely won't do it, tell him. Move on. He probably has a few things he is loathe to try. I won't speak for all men, but those that I have been with didn't want a sex slave (unless you're into that), they just want someone who is willing to enjoy the act as much as they do. In fact, if you really are a feminist, you should appreciate this because it puts the power back in your hands. It allows you to have your say. Isn't that the whole premise of the movement?

The other thing that really bothered me is the comments about this making you a slut. I may have missed it, but I also didn't see the "have sex with as many men as possible" part. If I, being in a monogamous relationship, choose to experiment with sex with my husband/boyfriend/significant other, then how exactly am I a slut? I like to think of myself as a good Christian, but you know what? I like sex!! I know I'm not supposed to say it, but I DO!!!

Also, for those of you making this into a greater issue of unraveling the fabric of our universe by only focusing on sex... WTF? I don't tend to follow much in the way of pop culture, I don't fall in line with fashion, I don't buy into everything the government tells me, and I'm certainly not socialist all because I think about sex. So really... get a life.

Also, I am female, and I consider myself to be a feminist, if only for the fact that I am outspoken, opinionated, and I believe that women are (notice I didn't say should be, I said are) equal to men. That being said, yes, it's a woman's job to make sex fun, too. And whoever said that there are no lists for men... have you ever read a magazine? Ever?

Also... I definitely don't think it was too vulgar, I thought it was hysterical. Nice post.

ArkayToday said...

I'd love to see you take a stab at "50 Mistakes Men Make," since the 'official' list is such crap.

Anonymous said...

I like pie.
Oh and sandwiches.

after sex that is.

Anonymous said...

To the women who are bashing this writer...

When you're 35, and wondering why things don't just have that "spark" with your husband anymore, you'll think "hmmm." When you're finding your treated-like-a-goddess-by-your-emasculated-husband
existence bland and boring, and your uber-masculine boss is making you think, "I *might* cheat," again you'll think "hmmm.".

And then after you sleep with your boss and leave the pansy you married expecting to be treated like Snow White because you can't stand the sight of him, nonetheless the idea of him touching you with his penis, you'll wonder, "why did my marriage fail? I did everything they told me I was supposed to do."

What you should really be thinking is, "Jesus. I'm a moron."

Anonymous said...

i've learnt a lot. mind if i print and decorate my classroom with it? :)

Anonymous said...

A lot of people seem to be missing that this post is a satirical rebuttal, written with tongue firmly in cheek, and at its heart is about communication, and taking responsibility for your own enjoyment of sex.

Yes, your partner should be trying to get you off, but by the very NATURE of sex he's also getting himself off. Do him - and yourself! - a favour and take a little responsibility for your own pleasure as well as his.

Okay, so I wouldn't force a girl's head down on my cock, or expect her to be okay with it if I did - but that's not really the central point of the article. It's about taking the same power in sex - the power to give YOURSELF pleasure - that men already have by the basic nature of intercourse.

Well, that's how I read it. I think at least a few of the objections I'm seeing here are from different readings of the article - I'm reading the parts about throat-fucking and anal as being mostly satirical, which I suspect the objectors aren't. There were certainly a few points in there where I thought oi, steady on . . . and certainly a few responses agreeing with the article that I can't at all agree with.

But I've babbled on too long and in the end, I'd really just like to tip my hat to Tweekerchick for writing an article about just enjoying sex, rather than expecting your partner to make you enjoy it. Takes two to tango, after all . . .

Anonymous said...

insanely awesome....goes in the face of all the women taking themselves way to freaking seriously....

despite what daddy said...listen girls...your not really princesses......laugh at yourself...have a little fun your men and respect their feelings...

repeat the following "IT'S NOT ALL JUST ABOUT ME!"

then read this ...cause it's pretty hilarious...

Anonymous said...

You make me think humanity still has a chance.

Anonymous said...

This is just insulting. If you didn't like the other list, why not just argue it point by point? It certainly wasn't flawless. In fact, parts of it were insulting. But none of it was as insulting as what you wrote.

You're seriously saying that if a woman doesn't say "no" to something in just the right way that it's understandable for a man to do it to her? A man who takes that to heart could end up with assault charges against him.

You're seriously saying that while it's a woman's responsibility to tell a man what she wants in words, forced throat-fucking is a fine solution for a bad blowjob because she must have 'missed his signals'? Where's the man's responsibility to communicate? Also, I don't know how many kielbasas you've swallowed, but most women have this thing called a gag reflex that makes them react rather badly when they're not in control.

I was especially surprised to read to read that you thought 'getting jizz all over you' is the point of sex. I would have expected something much more meaningful from someone so experienced and enlightened, preaching to the world about how we should all be having sex.

But those were just my feelings and expectations. Everyone has different ones of those. I've done things on your list to find that they hurt the MAN's feelings.

Don't take this horseshit to heart, people. You know what I think is 'the hot'? Having a partner you can trust not to treat you like a lifeless, emotionalness receptacle.

Anonymous said...

I love you...

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone could say anything anymore that hasn't been said time and again in these comments already. the good, the bad, the funny. but a select few of the previous commenters really need to keep in mind this little addendum: 51. THE INTERNET! SERIOUS BUSINESS!
of course I'm pretty much a week late to the party and nary a one will read this. still, I stand by my point.

Anonymous said...


don't ever take this page down.


Anonymous said...

some of this is true. some isnt.

Anonymous said... can hate them, but you can't without them, when you wanna pretend to make babies.

Anonymous said...

Hey Clare, did you come up with this list by yourself, or did you have some help from a guy? Just wondering, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Number 45 points out the unjustification of this list.

45. Anything that involves inserting anything into his body that he has not specifically approved before hand. I don't care what Cosmo says, some things are simply not pleasant surprises.

So if he doesn't approve of something, females cant do it. So if the females don't approve of something then guys can?

That's what is expressed in number 9:

9. Whining when he pushes your head down on his cock instead of stroking your hair. Know why he's pushing, skippy? Because you aren't doing it right, and have apparently ignored the other clues he's given you. Pay attention to the signals that he's sending you.

Why can't females do or have thing done to them by approval. Why do females have to do things they don't want to like shaving themselves. If she wants to clean her sheets right after sex then let her if its her sheets. if you don't want to buy her new sheets, then get your ass off her bed.

oh yea...leave the girl alone if she doesn't want to share her man with another person. It is partly assumed when a guy asks for a three-some that the third person would be a female. From a different perspective, I wonder how the guy would feel like the female wanted a guy as the third person. That's right guys, i don't think you would want to share your girl with another scumbag, why expect her to?

Guys, what if your girl made you shave your legs and pits and bush before every sexual intercourse? Would you appreciate that? shaving her legs if not a problem since most of you guys focus on something else anyways.

Oh yea...when she has her rag, would you really want to be put under danger through oral sex. you better watch out for those darn mood swings. she sure can ripe you off if it strikes. oouch!!!

It is very ironic that this list forbids girls to be selfish, but it actually points out how selfish indeed guys are.

Anonymous said...

so wrong but sooo true

Anonymous said...

so wrong but oh sooo true, nothing beats the truth ladies.

Anonymous said...

ladies, ...

Can't live with em, ...

Can't live without em.

Anonymous said...

i definatly agree with everything except the threesome married and have been asked and she was my best friend and now i never see her at all and my husband as far as i know still has a thing for was there idea and noone even went through with the dam thing so i lost a friend and a husband and got jacked as if your in a serious relationship then i saY NO but if its just a one nighter all the power to ya

Anonymous said...

In your list as well as the original post you were responding to, I have to say I agree with half of it. Of course it's a very subjective topic, and it really depends on the individuals involved though. These aren't issues for me personally, but I think it's interesting that you say he can "send signals" and push her head down when she "isn't doing it right" (#9) but she should "use her words" to explain (#16). I personally don't think I would respond well to someone choking me with their dick because they thought I needed some cock sucking pointers. Communication is important for all parties, I will tell him what I want and I really expect him to do the same. This is a great post, there is so much interesting content, some of which I agree with 100%.

Anonymous said...

Just figured you would want to know that someone else is passing this off as their own stuff. If you have a facebook acct it is under: 50 Mistakes Women Make When Having Sex. I contacted the admin but you may want to do that yourself as well.


Matt Casey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The point of the articles is empathy. As is shown by both pages both sexes are guilty of selfishness. You can't expect good things to happen when you live life expecting the world to revolve around you. The most important thing in a sex partner is a good sense of humor. You will be hard pressed to change a close minded person, and a good sense of humor is an indicator of someone that has an open mind. Men and women, think about your actions and how they are perceived, but don't be afraid to voice your own views. If you aren't compatible then trying to cover it up by kissing ass is just a bandage for a doomed relationship.

Anonymous said...

Good work sista... loving the disclaimer too, haha.

Now get out there and shag, people!!

Anonymous said...

Like someone said before me, this is just plain insulting.

I don't see how anyone can think its ok for a guy to force his dick down someone's throat (#9). If anyone actually follows this advice he might just find himself dumped. Also, not all girls are comfortable performing deep throating. There's this thing called a gag reflex, I don't know if the author has one, but it makes it rather difficult.

I don't see how anyone can think its ok to go ahead and do something the girl has said no to, simply because the guy didn't really think she meant what she said. (#21) How does one "say no like it's an invitation"? No means no.

I wonder if the author realizes she contradicts herself, most notably with #45: "Anything that involves inserting anything into his body that he has not specifically approved before hand." So it's ok for the guy to shove something down a girl's throat or other orifices as he sees fit, but it's not ok for the girl to do the same thing?

There are many things on this list that are offensive and the things that aren't offensive are said in a rude manner. While I was reading this the main thing I was wondering is why the author approached this with such an angry tone. Who exactly is she angry with? The people she’s giving this advice to?

The only thing that bothers me more than this list is the dozens of people commending it. How can anyone laud a list that advocates sex by force, which, by the way, is also known as rape?

Oh, and this is to anyone who might read this in the future and say something like "The girl was just expressing her opinion, STFU!!!!" Not to state the obvious, but she has a right to her opinion, and I have a right to mine.

Anonymous said...

OK. First off, that list, if nothing else was a great fucking read. Second, from a guy's perspective, it is dead-on. Third, for it to be written by a woman makes it nothing short of prolific.

Now. I obviously enjoyed the article, and will be spending alot more time reading this woman's work.

Which brings me to the responses. Some of you women are just being ridiculous. So don't get offended by the ridicule. I notice alot of the respondents that disagreed with the list couldn't get 2 BASIC FUCKING FACTS RIGHT.

1 The author is FEMALE and 2
The article her friend found was the list for MEN.

She wrote a response to it. Reading comprehension is important ladies. Especially when attempting to argue about something you've read(or claim to have read).

sisofdave, I'm a year too late, but maybe you stop in to read still. Could you be so bitter and angry because you keep getting left for sexually mature women?

For everyone else, get over yourselves. Grow Up. Wake Up. It's called Sexual Maturity. If you do it, do it right. Do it like an adult. Don't waste yours or your partners time. If someone lets you fuck them, its your job, for as long as you have it, to fuck them to and then beyond the point of satisfaction. I have not read the list for men yet, but if someone wanted to fuck me beyond the point of satisfaction, a good start would be to memorize the above list.

No one ever said women HAVE to do these things. A woman in the know felt kind enough to drop some knowledge amidst your ignorance.

And as far as biology is concerned, a woman can reproduce roughly every 9 months. A male, several times a day. Our urges are based accordingly. So if you don't care enough to satisfy his needs, while he's providing you with yours (namely a mate to help provide for you and said kids), don't be surprised when he finds someone that is. And then you and sisofdave can sit and munch on each other's twats.

And I'd never personally push a girls head down on my dick. If she were really that bad(which only comes from not caring), I'd just strip her, bend her over, do my thing, and then go back to looking for someone I respect in the bedroom enough to look in the eye.

Sexual Consideration no give, no get.

Anonymous said...

An idiot named speedlust wrote:

"And as far as biology is concerned, a woman can reproduce roughly every 9 months. A male, several times a day. Our urges are based accordingly."

Uh.... what???

Human females get horny, regardless of their reproductive state. No, our urges are NOT based accordingly, you obvious flunker of biology. We're not like bitch dogs, who only desire to mate when they are in heat (i.e. not pregnant). Explain why I get horny several times per day, if your logic is fact, ooook?

Fool. Get an education before you spout off.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, you said it's not right for a guy to push your head down while you are sucking his cock and that many people have gag reflexes. I know I have a gag reflex, but you learn to take him in. And him pushing a girl's head down, 1) its his was of cooperating sometimes and 2) your giving head already, so leave the prude and shyness behind.

Yea, you are entitled to your opinion, but I'm just stating mine in return. How can it be rape if you've already agreed to sex in the first place. Obviously this is advice on how to do a better job at something many of us participate in. The author does not make that contradiction about the guy getting to say "no". There is a difference in the way you say "No." I can be giggling and laughing and saying "No." He's obviously not gonna believe me with that tone. But if a guy specifically says "No, do not stick that damn dildo in my asshole", then don't do it. Obviously that requires some sort of sense when you read it.

Other than that, great article. I totally agree. I also thought it quite hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Awesome I agree 100% With everything, Women just need to stop being so sensitive, they ain't that sensitive when stealing their best friends boyfriends. Now are they?

Nice one Clare

Anonymous said...

From the comments, I would almost guess that a wide majority of the internet is [strike]slightly jaded[/strike] [strike]jaded[/strike] [strike]fucking jaded[/strike] horridly fucking jaded. That's what you get for meeting your soul mate on a MUD.

Spiritual Ninja said...

Awesome post...there are some scary people on the internet these days...

Anonymous said...

wow this is awesome will you marry me?

nieros said...

Brillant. I'm always respectful... but when it comes down to it, girls are tough as sin, and this list is much more realistic than that other bozo's.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you have a Facebook account, but there is a group dedicated to this list:

The problem is the group creator is taking credit for your creativity. The group has 33,000 members all gushing over his awesomeness.

Just thought I'd tell you that you were being plagiarized.

Anonymous said...

Four thumbs up for you, girl! Two from my hands and two from my feet! Never read a post this bold but witty!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I found another Facebook group saying the same stuff, only it has sixty-some members.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for proving that I'm not just a misogynistic prick. OK, maybe I am but it makes my own pleas to women on my blog seem more reasonable.

Anonymous said...

that was so amazing... you area goddess... i dont think i've laughed so hard and been given something to think about at the same time in.... (maybe NEVER!) Thanks! K

Anonymous said...

I never did any of those things, I guess I'm perfect. I know what guys like and what they don't, and this was a good assurance for me that I'm doing the right things. I'm such a whore, I'm so sex perfect! I love being a slut. Right now I've had 98 one night stands, see how good I am?

Kimberly xXx

Anonymous said...

Reads like my inner monolog...
These 50 theses could be a real tool in converting lesbians to bisexuals.
Danny B.

Anonymous said...


I read your post from top to down. It's incredible for me how a girl could be so exact. I'd be glad if my wife could read in english and learn some things.

Hey! Why don't you write a book? :D

Anonymous said...

Seriously, who are you guys dating that you think this is genius? This was a dumb article and not because of what it stood for but because it was clearly written by someone in middle school. Get a clue.

Anonymous said...

lol, this was hilarious,

Anonymous said...

The 50 commandnents of the sex bible, great job.

farinoh said...

First the hell did I get to this post? I was looking up the local weather and Whamo!...I started to read this article!

Whoever has misconstrued your intentions does not even deserve to get laid! You are truly wise. This a must read for all females of the consenting age.

Anonymous said...

Best post I've ever read

Anonymous said...

Seriously, get this article published or something.

Anonymous said...

Im a girl and from my very first time I have ALLWAYS followed all these things anyway! It just comes naturally to me i suppose but I have had some very good reviews from guys I've been with so I guess that proves it really. yeah some guys and girls are different (as some ppl have pointed out) I myself am quite happy to act like a complete whore when it comes to sex as sex is fun, there are often deeper feelings involved and that develop but you dont have to let them spoil great sex! even if the man I fell in love with (but am not with) said he dosnt love me anymore but still wants to fuck and be friends, more than fine by me!
This list is avereything ive ever thought and thankyou for writing it in such a blatent way.
the world needs to grow up and get over itself and be open and honest about sex.

Anonymous said...

i got here thru facebook, and OMG what a read. i am a girl and i loved it, simply coz its so true. i am glad that more than most things came to me naturally and the others well lesson learnt!!
Kudos to u girl....
But u gotta give out some stuff to guys too, coz some or a lot of them dont know/do shit-i yet have to experience what u call awesome sex!!

Anonymous said...

Where's the article about what guys do wrong in bed? Oh, right, it would have to be a fucking novel.

Anonymous said...

I have to say, I read this because I was curious to know what were the 50 things being done wrong, and I am probably guilty of more than a few (the first step to a cure is admitting you have a problem, right?) I would buy this if it were in Cosmo. You should think about a book or something.

Anonymous said...

I hate to "break the mood" here but, love is so...WEAK! if this is what's waiting for me then, might as well not love at all...i'm not emo....

Anonymous said...

First off this was awsome.
Second, I'm happy that the majority of responses were positive. Last but not least, I'm so sad to see that so many people have never heard or thought of these deficiencies. These sorts of comments are made by every comic alive. as far as myself, I have had all of these experiences at some point in my sexual career. Now I been around the block a few times, so please do not think I'm the bragger...I'm not, and I'm not perfect!! But there are a lot of days and hours in one's life and my earlier profession aloted me the opportunities to be involved with many woman. But any ways here are a couple of other things woman do... for what ever reason... volunteering oral sex (strange as that may sound guys its true, I am befuddled but I admit), also, when I apply my efforts to the lower extremities of a female and she is ekking "my god im coming" I do not shut and blink my eyes like I'm ready to get hit with a bat I continue intensley.
Or giving you ther phone number after a pleasent conversation, but its the wrong #. Or except a date proposal and never show up. Guys never do that sh..t.
The best however is the preperation that woman go through, lets say for simply going to the mall they dress up, or down if you will, reveling there bod as if she were offering her assets but yet, if you admire or stare they bitch...what was the purpose of spending 2 hrs of closet rummaging and mirror dressing if you didn't want too be noticed or gawked at.
I wish I could strool down Main st. one time, see a lovely woman, with substantial attributes and be seen with my mouth open staring and she replys "YOU LIKE, care to go for a drink"...just one time. What to you say fellows just once. As far as woman getting on top, thats the best, however, men need to be considerate, the depth is only so deep. Look, I had fun with this blog, and I respect all the woman I been with, and had FUN. There is nothing on this green earth more relaxing and natural then having SEX. The only thing I regret are the ones that got away. Love you all!!! Pease out.

Anonymous said...

Can we say "misogyny?"
Some of these things are fair(like birth control being her responsibility as well as his, or Cosmo being a piece of shit), but if a woman doesn't like something she shouldn't have to do it. Particularly oral sex--if she doesn't want to do it, don't bitch about it. It's not a frickin' constitutional right that you get a blowjob whenever the hell you want.

Anonymous said...

i don't understand how this can be taken so offensively.

i have had experiences with women horrible in bed, and vice versa. I didn't think less or more highly of either of them just because one was better in bed than that other. i don't understand how this is derogatory towards women or feminists. if you don't consider yourself to be equal and want to be equal to men, then go some some position of power or something.
I dunno. I guess you have to do something in your life which makes you happy... if it does in fact make you happy to complain about how other people think.

ANYWAY. AWESOME blog. very funny. o wait... by reading this i am becoming sexist and plan to force my girlfriend to do something she doesn't want to. (please pick up on sarcasm)

nice job Claire. Come out with 50 things men do wrong.

OO.. and FUCK cosmo.

Anonymous said...

Haha! Awesome! A bit harsh at times, but so fucking true! It's what makes relationships work :) Yay

Anonymous said...

Clare you did what many Cosmo

editors cant. THB UP


Anonymous said...

First. I do agree with several statements here. I mean, women should not take sex to seriously! But, come on, how plesant is it to be titty-fucked? In porn, yes, but real life (because porn and real life is not the same thing) no. Second, this must be written by a man? You swear and use an unsensitive language. If you would have chosen a different kind of writing, you might have more female fans?

Skeptic girl

Anonymous said...

Skeptic girl-- Whaaat? Do you seriously mean this can't be a woman's writing cos she SWEARS?! I'm a girly girl but jeez do I swear!!!

Also, have you ever TRIED to be titty-fucked? Please do, one day, you might be pleasantly surprised.

Clare - thank you thank you thank you. Superb! A good reminder for girls and boys alike.


Mahendran Govender said...

Stunning Post..

Got here from the Facebook group, your blog has been linked, check mine out if you get a moment.

All the best

Anonymous said...

Hey, whicked post. Alot of people made alot of good comments, so I'm just gonna keep it simple. I laughed really hard when reading it, and I just had to show my fiancee. Halarious. Alot of people took this thing way too seriously. Crazy people. Well, I enjoyed it, made me laugh, good shit.

Peace out

Anonymous said...

first, im a 18 year old female. my friend told me to read this and i absolutely LOVE it!!! i didnt realize half of the stuff you wrote about until i read this blog. my boyfriend is definately going to be happy tonight !! thanks and you are amazingg beyond belief!!!

Riolavage said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I'd agree with the sentiment that this doesn't seem voice of some girl benevolently trying to help man and womankind, more the narcissism of some chick who wants to elevate herself above other women to attract attention.

I'd say most girls brought up in the last few decades know a lot of this stuff(although some of it is just stupid generalisations)

Girls know some guys don't like cuddling (usually to varying degrees) anyone with a brain could work out to take all the time is selfish.

Maybe I'm wrong but then maybe all you guys are just picking the wrong girls. However, some of us don't feel the need to draw the adoration of guys with boring girlfriends and their marriage proposals.

People who think they're the first person ever to 'tell it like it is' are really annoying. Its funny but don't act like you're some sex godess.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

This goes back a long way but Meg whose boyfriend got her to read this 'out of curiosity'.....? I think he may have been trying to tell you something! LOL!!!
Enjoyed reading this, didn't think it ws OMFG amazing, didn't hate it, don't understand why people get themselves so riled up over something like this. People, lighten the f*** up!

Anonymous said...

fab post!
I agree with nearly everythin u said..

just one negative thing not all us girls are like that, and it make all blokes sound like sex crazed junkies lol!!!

i have 2 admit i do like it a little rough.. makes sex a hell of a lot more exciting!!!

Unknown said...

Awesome post. I do almost everything on that list as it is and i have the most fantastic sex life imaginable. More women should definatly know about this becasue then maybe they'd stop complaining.
PS i am a female.

Anonymous said...

It seems that in writing about (and "countering") male stereotypes, you have stereotyped women as passive, afraid to speak their mind, and "girly" which is not always the case.

I'm a tomboy--not romantic--and while I haven't had sex with anyone (I'm 19, and agnostic, possibly asexual, and I still find all kinds of sexual behavior, including masturbation, pretty gross... I mean it is flaps of skin/flesh rubbing each other such that chemicals shoot off in your brain... WOW. sounds fabulous... I can get the same stimulation shooting up drugs), I understand that there must be some "equality" to such activities... however your post seems to imply that women should basically do everything he wants (which includes being "active") and such that you get little or no enjoyment yourself. It seems like you suggest these things because you are okay with them/like them yourself.

Anonymous said...

The more I read this line by line, the more I remebered girlfriends of my past, what they never fullfilled and what I 'SO' badly wanted them to do at the time and never recieved in return! Its my life ambition to finally meet a girl/woman who follows the '50' and meets up to its expectations. Most men know what their perfect girl/woman 'looks' like (in there minds for most men!) But now somebody has finally put down in stone, (rather in blog form) what all men's perfect girl/woman should follow religously from 1 to 50! There dosent need to a '10 commandments from god' just this one blog should sufficefor the human race for at least the next 2,000 years!.. or until an ammendment is needed!

Anonymous said...

How about farting, before , during or after sex, that has to be another mistake

Anonymous said...

you're rough.

Anonymous said...

well thanks some of this helped..some i already knew..but cosmo is a great sex

Anonymous said...

Yeah....Well....firstly, let me do the 'positive comment' thing. Most of the pointers are right, and you've obviously done your research on 'how to be desperate enough to revolve your life around pleasing a man in bed because it's the only thing you're good at.'
There's no reason to be that crass with everything, lovely girl. Just because you're trying to make a point, it doesn't mean you have to SWEAR all the time. It goes against any intellect that shows in your work. you're obviously a clever girl, so why use 'fucking' in every other sentence? It implies that your vernaclular is poor because it consists mainly of swear words, and that you're thicker than you actually are.

Also, don't contradict yourself by saying in one breath that you should scream his name and act like he's the best you've ever had - 'even if he isn't'- and then in the next breath tell us not to fake an orgasm.

And finally, although your 'tips' are very true, from the male point of view, you're probably the best thing since beer, and from the amateur porn girls point of view, you're probably the best thing since make up, but for the rest of us, for those of us who actually have brains, you are completely transparrent.
You're obviously one of these girls that tries too hard with men because you think that by knowing all these things, and making the right noises, and not being afraid of getting 'jizz' on you, as you so delicately put it, makes you good in bed.
it just makes you desperate.
And a ruse.
It just means that you spend waaaaay too much time trying to be the good little whore, which any man worth his salt will eventually pick up on, and realise that you're actually shit in bed because it's all just a show, and although this is good for short term fun, long term, it's no fun to be stuck with a blow up doll that just knows how to do what she's supposed to do but has no other qualities because she's so dull outside of the bedroom.
Sorry to burst your bubble love, but you're not the only one that knows to lick someones balls and arch your back when you're on top. And believe it or not, some of us actually have very good sex lives WITHOUT your advice, but here's a concept for you.....we ALSO have minds of our own to go with it, and don't revolve our world around trying to please men because we STINK of desperation.


Seriously, is this all you can write about?
Are you really lacking THAT much in imagination that you have to virtually kiss ( or suck in your case ) men's behinds ( Again - or cocks in your case) by writing this shit to get yourself more male fans?
Is your writers block really THAT bad?
Nevermind.....go and grab yourself a bottle of water to avoid your 'cotton mouth' from where you're sucking too many cocks, and I'm sure you can come up with SOMETHING eventually. Give yourself some thinking time while you're down there, you know?

You are SO far up your own ass.

Seriously, sort it out. get some class.

Anonymous said...

Wow this is the lamest lis I have ever read. Could have been ripped from the very pages of Cosmo itself. I am surprised how many people are impressed by it. We are not living in the 1950's is this supposed to be fresh and edgy? I would understand the list if perhaps it were directed towards 16 year olds. I am sure it is the 15 and 16 year olds who are so awe stuck with the simplicity of it.

You seem to assume women are not as sexual as men when they are often more so. What kind of losers are you sleeping with that lose their erections during sex and have to work to get one in the first place? That is not normal just so you know. I would be out of there so fast if I had to pretend that a soft penis was okay during sex. It either means your man has poor mechanics and you should run away quickly or be learn to be happy with just cuddling, or your man does not find you sexually stimulating, which is definitely not a problem you need to place on your own shoulders and again I would be out of there.

This is so lame. I would hope we all got past these sorts of sexual reservations when we graduated high school...... definitely not edgy material at all. Feel bad for those of you who think it is (unless you just recently lost your virginity or something).

Anonymous said...

Rock on, sister. I only disagree with the condoms and BJ ones. He doesn't remind me to take my pill, so he ought to keep himself stocked up if he expects to get any. Besides, different guys prefer (and sometimes even need) different kinds of condoms; I'm not going to open a ConRev in my nightstand. As for BJs, I'd like to see men try to deepthroat a zucchini. It's not easy, and not letting the girl control how it goes makes it uncomfortable and unpleasant. Some guidance is needed, but if a guy pushed my head down, I'd probably gag so hard that any action would be out of the question.

Anonymous said...

i think your list is great. I read the 50 things men blah blah blah list first, and I wanted to take the guy and beat him up for being the pussy-whipped moe that he is. I tried to send a hatemail, but got bored of figuring out how to.

You, on the other hand, get a round of applause for me. I felt so emasculated and mean after reading the other list, but this one is so much better.

Anonymous said...

i am going to hot

Anonymous said...

so sexy blog!

Anonymous said...

Amen Brother!!!

Anonymous said...

i read this article and i thought it was funny and in some odd way informative. I dont understand why some people have posted such shitty comments to the article. What does it matter if its a girl or a guy, and its a fucking article online, its not a set law that women must abide by. some of the women that posted negative stuff shouldn't be posting at all, get over it, you just made the typical stereotype that woman are stuck up bitches. people are spoiled and self-centered more than ever now a days. its an article thats meant to be humorous, and if you dont agree with what was in the article than thats fine dont go and bash the person for writing it. there was an article thats the opposite, 50 things MEN do wrong, it goes both ways. if it was written by a 20year old, who cares? does that mean that if your older you have more experience? WRONG. Sex is mutual, girls take one night doing something that she doesnt like just to please the guy, so the next night the guy takes one and does something for the girl that he doesnt like and she likes it. take what you want to take from the article. some people are to highstrung to get a good laugh out of silly shit like this. some girls like kinky shit and do things in this article some dont. if your one of those women that dont and talked shit about this article, than why the fuck are reading it to begin with if you know just from the title that it may be degrading in some sort of way. relax, laugh and enjoy life. sex is apart of life, have fun with it. great article by the way.
---Mike from Boston, MA

Anonymous said...


Who said Women aren't our better half?

Anonymous said...

Sorry -- don't believe that you're a chick for one minute. There are several things in this list that give you away as a dude: in fact, you weren't too careful in writing it at all. And I *don't* mean the butch attitude. I can believe that in a woman. But YOU'RE A DUDE, DUDE.

Anonymous said...

Completely Awesome. I wish more girls were like that, then men wouldn't seem so shocked when I'm up for anything, tear off their clothes and ask them to take me roughly against a wall.

Anonymous said...

Right on girl. Almost all of that stuff is totally true and I feel bad for any guy that's fucking/dating a girl who thinks any differently. Guess you boys need to know where to look.

Once again, well done

Anonymous said...

I'm sorta sad that all these guys are shocked! To be honest, I feel like an amazing girlfriend after reading this!

The only one I disagree with is #15. I mean it's not fair for a woman to feel obligated to orally please a guy when she's on her period. Hell no. He's damn lucky I GET my period...if I didn't, pregnancy would suck this time in our lives!

I think men need to do all the pampering they can fit in...cause a girl will remember how you treated her and when she's over it and ready...expect Heaven!!!

Anonymous said...

Good list so far as it goes, but clearly you've forgotten that the All-Time Number One Mistake women make when having sex is not having it with me...

Anonymous said...

You are a genius, I love you.
There has to be some way to deliver this to every living female on the planet!

That is all.

Anonymous said...

to whom it may concern:
if you are going to attack someone at least have the balls to put your name to it instead of hiding behind anonymous!

to the writer of this blog:
congrats on making a list that is both entertaining and informative!

Anonymous said...

way to do exactly what that guy did -- and attempt to generalize all women. the way you phrase things makes it sound like you think your ideas in this list are something shocking and unheard of.

thanks for all your advice, but your generalizations of what women think and do during sex? probably totally inaccurate. or think of it this way: you can never know that it's accurate. don't act like a stuck up bitch because you think you're better than the what you assume is the majority of women. just because it's a cliché doesn't mean it's the reality.

Anonymous said...

three cheers to the fantastic person who wrote this! i think you're my soulmate. and i'm a chick.

Anonymous said...

Now I know why you were glad I had not read any of your work before...because you were afraid I might propose marriage? or worst, that you might accept said proposal? ;-)

AMAZING post, and if you truly believe ALL those things you said (I will assume you did) then I will continue to romance you over the phone even harder...DAMN L.A. Chicks...where can I get one like you!

the word verification for my post is FISHHOE..I kid you not!

Anonymous said...

Reading your post reminds me of why I'm a lesbian. I am offended.

Anonymous said...

so, so true, dude you are a legend

Anonymous said...

The author was a girl.

This fact is extremely important.

This should be made glaringly obvious in the introduction.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely the best piece of literature I've ever read.

Women everywhere should carry this around in their purse, and know it like Christians know the 10 Commandments.


Anonymous said...

marry me

Anonymous said...

Ladies, ladies, ladies...

You might -- just MIGHT -- want to try a few of the tips listed here, ESPECIALLY if you're in a committed, long-term relationship.

Let me tell you...I'm in one, and I love my guy to pieces, but y'know what, that shit gets BORING from time to time. You can't eat plain boiled white rice all the time...gotta switch it up a bit, yanno?

Let me put it this way...
You can either, (a) get some variety in your relationship, and try some new and exciting things to make you BOTH happy instead of doing the same old, perfunctory, "ooh ahh", thrust-thrust-squirt-squirt, and keeping your sexual relationship like the proverbial box of chocolates (meaning, neither you NOR him know what you're gonna get!)

OR, you can...
(b)Think, like most married women do, that "you've got him," therefore stop giving a shit about the little things like shaving your pussy, wearing lace thongs, and even trimming your toenails...eventually stop giving him anything but the ol'missionary position, and essentially becoming the stereotypical frigid bitch...and then feign surprise and contempt when he finds these things in the 21-year-old "whore" secretary.

It's your choice.

Ultimately, the old saying is true...a dog will not go out on the street looking for chopped liver when he is eating prime rib at home. (This is true for both men AND women, by the way...MEN, you SHOULD NEVER think that just because you married a woman, it's OK for you to 1. grow a beer gut, 2. stop eating her pussy, and 3. basically stop doing the things that attracted her to you in the first place!)

All that said...great post, sister. Rock on.

Anonymous said...

on #38 (3some)
I'm a girl and I could understand why guys would want one.
But for christ's sake we have at least SOME reason to bitch about it.
Do you ever see guys offering a 3some where there are two GUYS? hmm?
It's MY dream to have two sexy men in bed.
Almost everything works on the other side of the argument.
As long as both sides are aware of the golden rule, them give'r.

Anonymous said...

and I meant THEN not them on the last phrase. Just to clarify that I am not an empty headed moron.

Anonymous said...

ok im a girl and alot of the things mentioned i can relate to and probably will take note of but there are a few things you said we do wrong and it doesnt relate to me or a couple of my mates - it relates to our blokes

like the bed not being the only place for sex - try telling them that these days if you hve a bloke and youve been with him long hes the one who starts to get lazy and were the ones trying to sort it out!

Anonymous said...

one hundred percent true... all of it... couldn't agree more...

Anonymous said...

Gender aside, this mindset highlights why society is in the state it is in. Divorce, teenage pregnancy, abotrion, etc, etc - the moral degradation of society gets worse every year. Focusing on slef-pleasure and getting it at any cost will have you seeking it forever. Sex was designed as the ultimate expression of love between two people. Anything less will provide a "lesser level" of the awesome ecstacy achieved when sex is an act of love - the complete union and giving of body & soul. There's no replacing that with acts of lust, no matter how hard you try to be your partner's fantasy lover. Everyone has the right to their opinion, so it's useless insulting those who disagree with you...just think about something - the one thing we all have in common is the need to be loved. Being used is not love. Love is like money, when you invest wisely it gains interest & grows richer and the greater the love the better the sex. Respect each other and remember that sex is a beautiful act,

Anonymous said...

I found this kind of funny, but really I'm sure most women aren't that pathetic and most men aren't that nasty.

Just get off the internet everyone and go fuck in whatever way pleases you... :D
If you don't like stuff, just say so. If you do like stuff, just say so... And if someone gets all uptight, they aren't worth the effort.
All the advice necessary, I reckon.

A female person, who'd rather be having sex than being on the internet.

Anonymous said...

you are my idol

Anonymous said...

Honestly,I see the author of this article as insecure. Obviously everyone reading this is a guy or agrees, so all it has done is win you some popularity points.
While I do agree with some of what is said, you can sum up what the experience SHOULD be like in 50 comments.
While I do agree with alot of what is said, it doesnt mean every one else has to. Who are you to say that there arne't ocd guys out there that wanna change thier 1 million cotton count egyptian cotton sheats afterwards.
Sex is two ways and between 2 people, get your ego out of it hun.
oh, and I dont agree with the condoms things if your in a relationship. I have to remember to take a pill at the same time everyday, get phsycials regularly and deal with pregnancy scares that men dont have to... you can remember the condom.

Anonymous said...

wow....loved's all so true as i was reading i was thinking if i do that already or not lol

Anonymous said...

all i have to say is.. if any of these mistakes do apply you are fucking the wrong person.. because if you are fucking the right person.. contrary to mistake #1.. he will be ragingly hard and hot for you for as ever long as you both need.. prime example.. i got fucken train wrecked last week by a guy with a big dick and all the right foreplay.. he got it up three times in a row and got me off an extra bonus fourth time (as if three werent enough)...

i know its hard to find someone you connect with in bed.. but its totally worth it once you do find it.. ive never had better sex or been more stress free in my entire life..

Anonymous said...

This should be titled something else.

Like: "this is what do do when it comes to sex; a guide for women"

And god damn, you are so blunt and rude. You need to learn how to say things nicely.

Anonymous said...

Good article, agree with pretty much all of content, but go wash your mouth out with soap and water. Swearing isn't necessarily the way to get your point across.

Anonymous said...

Wow. i agree totally with this. i dont know who wrote it, it may not have been a girl, but either way its totally true. and i was reading some of the comments, and i just have to say: D Prime please just stfu! goddamn ur a hater

Anonymous said...

Pretty good list - and it's good that a girl's written it and not a guy. However I'd quite like to add a number 51:

51: Girls - DON'T YANK IT TOO HARD!!! It's a sensitive instrument - use pressure by all means, but remember it's not a church bell.

Actually, I prefer it being pulled up rather than down...

anyone agree?

Anonymous said...

brilliant... thats all i really need to say... oh wait... no, brilliant

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm impressed!! I'm a girl, and I completely agree with this 100%. Every guy is different so obviously some of the points are just a general, but i'm pretty sure all girls need to read this. Hopefully they will read and absorb the information instead of ignoring it, getting defensive, angry, and insulted.

Awesome post, thanks..

Anonymous said...

lady u shud b a hall of a famer !..

Anonymous said...

You're a winner, Seriously. xD
How can you be single?!

Anonymous said...

You are a genius for a female... Are you still single? =)

Anonymous said...

Most of this stuff seems pretty common sense to me, Im glad Im doing things right I guess? Haha.

Anonymous said...

i agree with the guy above, it was quite funny but surely not all girls are that uptight, and not guys are such pricks, just communicate, have sex and enjoy it! Its nromal! But treating a girl like a piece of shit for sex is not just for the record! and this is from a guy.

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HeaDHonchO said...

All I have to say is, thank you. I wish more women would read this list.

Anonymous said...

I love you. I really do.

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